When I was younger, I played accordion in an alternative rock band. Well, I tell you immediately that it was not a known group, and that I played very badly. So bad that I got fired by friends elsewhere, gently but firmly. Fortunately I was then a little less bad as a doctor than as a musician!
In any case, one of our hits in concert, was the adaptation of an old song of the 50s, La Goualante du Pauvre Jean, which we picked up, all bellowing in chorus, the chorus of high metaphysical reach. Listen instead ...
"Without love, we're nothing at all - do you like it? Who would dare to challenge this reminder to the order of Love if it is necessary for a human life? Without love, little children can not grow properly, body or soul. Without love, the grown-up children who remain adults all their lives can not live and die fully happy.
So, singing "Without love, we are nothing at all - love you! It's not just philosophy at a small week. This is part of what the philosophers call the "great platitudes", these wisdom sentences of all times and places, which explain to us what love, happiness, serenity, the meaning of life consist of. looking for them, how to get closer to them ... It always seems obvious, of course - hence the term "platitude" - but what is less obvious is to apply them.
Listen to what Schopenhauer said: "In a general way, it is true that the wise men of all times have always said the same thing, and fools, that is to say, the immense majority of all time, have always done the same thing, namely the opposite, and it will always be so. So, when the wise repeat us "love you! What do we hear? And what do we do every day?
And then, when we say: "Without love, we are nothing at all", what love are we talking about? Of the one we receive or the one we give? From the alien or the liberator? Of the one who makes sick or the one who makes light?
Another concern, as every time we talk about love or happiness: do not take the risk of struggling people who lack, at this time. To speak of love is to make one's absence even more painful. And to speak of the Great Love, with capital letters, is also to anguish those who did not find it, as in these verses of Guillaume Apollinaire: "The anxiety of love closes your throat / As if you should never again be loved ... "
Loosen your throats, worried and worried! For this love that is indispensable to humans is not only romantic love, which is a form of ideal, complicated to meet and even more to make last, but it is love in all its faces and all its names: affection, benevolence, sympathy, generosity, belonging, solidarity, friendship, fellowship, fraternity, tenderness ...
All those moments and all these links where we give as much or more than we receive. It is this love, with a small "a", it is his little daily music that is indispensable to us and that helps us to live happily, in the event of the possible waiting for the other Love, the one with his great "A" and his symphonic din ...
So let us love each other, but in every way, and in every position, I mean in every everyday situation ...
And you, what form of love do you cultivate most day after day?