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Psychology the problem of excess weight

Psychological aspects of excess weight is not only a theoretical problem, which is worth thinking about, but also a practical, that is, a life problem. Almost every reasonable and caring person on Earth sooner or later thinks about the extra pounds purchased. Recently, people often began to resort to the services of specialists for psychological assistance in Moscow.

In this article I want to talk about people with excessive body weight, much higher than world standards, no, and medical indicators. Because at a certain age and determine the growth of the people and should weigh accordingly!

So why are there more and more people with increased fullness every year? What are the psychological causes of excess weight? Perhaps the problem lies in the formation of eating habits, dependence, which leads to inferiority complexes, the development of depression. How is it born? Tips and recommendations of the psychologist are as follows:

1. Imagine when from early childhood, while still in the unconscious age, the child sees how the cult of food prevails in his family, when all the relatives eat high-calorie and fatty foods, with it in large quantities, absolutely not caring about proper nutrition, and even while claiming that their grandfathers and great-grandfathers ate and lived healthy all their lives. The poor child, to please his mother and not to upset her, eats up every last spoonful. How strong is his desire to be a good child! And when a child grows up full and clumsy blame everything on the genes, because everyone in the family is like that! And that ate fatty and sweet-this is nonsense! Now, if with absolutely correct and balanced diet a person gains weight, then it is still possible to talk about genetics, so before turning to specialists: endocrinologists, gastroenterologists, cardiologists, You need help, get advice from an experienced psychologist how to overcome excess weight.

2. Already growing up, almost every person with excess body weight begins to struggle with excess weight. And the first thing to start – with a diet. And, for some reason, everyone knows what he needs! After some time and dropping about the right amount, the weight again for some reason returns again. And begins running in a vicious circle. Thus, diets lead to the opposite result! Here begins the inferiority complex, fear, insecurity, self esteem begins to fall, the mood. Life becomes joyless and devoid of positive emotions. It is necessary to know from the very beginning-starting any diet is the best to turn to specialists, professional and experienced psychologists who will help and decide whether it is necessary to do something in each case.

3. For many people, such a stable manner of seizing the troubles and problems accumulated during the day has formed, for them food is a joy, such a kind of antidepressant! Over time, a person becomes emotionally dependent on food, on its consumption in any quantity, and the more you eat, the more calm you become!

4. So same failures in personal life can provoke human on consumption food in huge quantities. There can be traced such a psychological dependence, if you are rejected, you do not want, then you somehow do not look like this, not so slim and fit, which again leads a person to the refrigerator to seize another personal offense. We leave life "for later" when I lose weight, and now I will please myself!

Is it worth losing weight at all? It defines for itself everyone independently, it is its own choice. But it is necessary to know that the fight against excess weight always leads to certain psychological and personal problems:

- ugly appearance;

- failures in personal life;

- dangerous for health;

- hypertension;

- diabetes mellitus;

- obesity of internal organs;

- hormonal disorders;

- disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;

- Oncology;

- family and psychological hardships.

And knowing this, it is necessary to change unhealthy "food weaknesses", get rid of them, learn to develop a stereotype of a new eating behavior. It is also very important to find and identify the cause of excess weight, its source, for this, again, it is very important to get psychological advice from an experienced psychologist, after working and identifying the problem, you can eliminate it, and if you fight only with the symptoms, the effect will be minimal and short-term.