Breastfeeding, like all mother's topics, polarizes. But absolutely. And so much so that you sometimes have the feeling in the social media channels that you are in the middle of a war. There are the absolute breastfeeding advocates who invoke the WHO in every other sentence (oh yes, the Germans with their studies and seals) and, on the other hand, the bottle mermaids who feel unfairly treated. The guided exchange is sometimes almost cruel and when then the long-term stillmamas come to it, blood flows, uh, milk. But that's a topic of its own again.
And me?
I often feel torn back and forth. I understand one but also the other side and my feelings vary, depending on the condition. I have been able to observe this with all my three children now. It is the same every time. My thoughts are pretty much the same:
Unhappy state: Oh my God, these mothers! Do they really have to hang their bosoms everywhere? Gosh, can not they quietly breastfeed? And now even on the bus. I'm going nuts. Breastfeeding is absolutely overrated. And what? Some women breastfeed for a year or more !? Why? Long-term breastfeeding mothers? 12 years? Breastfeeding is ok. But why is such a topic always made of it?
Condition Pregnant: Should I Breastfeed? Oh yes, that's so nice and comfortable with the baby and so practical and of course the very best for the child. Breastmilk is so good for everything. I could then smear my caesarean scar with it, then heals faster. And anyway, the miracle drug breast milk must necessarily have. I urgently need beautiful nursing bras. Oh, I'm looking forward to breastfeeding!
Condition Baby just born: So, go now. Drink baby, drink! AUAAAAA! Nipple shield? No, completely annoying. The breast pump has to come, it does not hurt that much! But pumping? I feel like a dairy cow. So breastfeeding - suppressing pain - breastfeeding - suppressing pain - breastfeeding - pressing feet against the wall - breastfeeding - So this time I do not sleep long or should I stop immediately?
Condition Baby 1 month: Breastfeeding is the best thing there is. It is so convenient. Just dock the baby and off you go. Everywhere, at any time. What? Why not breastfeed in public? That's the most normal thing in the world! That's NECESSARY for my baby! And breastmilk is such a great remedy for everything. Miracle Babypo, watering eyes, scratched face, milk scab? Breast milk always helps! Oh, I do not care what others say, I'm silent everywhere, if necessary also in the bus and at the stop, standing, lying down. No matter. The main thing is the child is full. I'm so tired, I do not care anyway.
Condition baby 3 months: So slowly I would like my body back but good. Breastfeeding is already the best for the baby. Somehow also uncomfortable to push that baby under the sweater. Do you see my bacon belly? Oh, I prefer to sleep at home. I could pump off, then dad can take over the night shift. I will!
Condition baby 6 months: enough! The baby now has to eat porridge in the evening too. I can not anymore. This night-long breastfeeding makes me totally ready! The child has to sleep now and I only! And besides, it has to slowly get used to the bottle. And I want to be myself again. Slowly I have to breastfeed.
I've had it exactly three times now, with each child, and in fact it was the same every time. At the moment I'm still quiet and probably it will last until about the end of the eighth month. But it really depends on the condition of me, whether I absolutely love breastfeeding or totally repugnant.
But it also means that basically it does not matter how other moms handle it. On myself, I realize how ambivalent my feeling about breastfeeding is. So everyone should decide for themselves. Conducting judgment or judgment on other mothers is quite dangerous and not appropriate, I think. What fits one mom can be completely wrong for the other. You really should listen to your gut feeling and breastfeed for as long or as much as you feel best for yourself.
What's new about this baby is that I have a breast pump (from Lansinoh) at home and can, if I want to, pump it off and then leave the baby to my husband. That's really hard for me, even with the third baby, but in an emergency, so if I have to go to the dentist or go to an important event, that's fine. And right now, when I'm starting the decommissioning phase, I use the breastpump also to get the baby used to the bottle. Let's see if that works!
The Lansinoh breast pump
The pumping out works great. Assembling the breast pump is very well described in the enclosed instructions. Some parts of the pump must be boiled or sterilized before and after each use, but I'll do that with the other nipples anyway. So that's self-evident and almost an automatic move for me.
The pumping itself is discreet. The pump is very quiet. I usually do that in bed, then I have my peace and it is somehow nicer, as in the bathroom or at the kitchen table. However, you should take some time and, above all, bring patience for the first time. It sometimes takes a few minutes before the milk starts to flow. It says on the pack that you should think about your baby or take a picture of the baby. Funnily, that really works. If you pump more often, the milk flow begins but quite fast. The pumping itself is then quite fix. You can also regulate the pumping speed, so pump faster or slower. As you like it.
To the pump you get a wide-mouth bottle and also a matching sucker, the NaturalWave® teat. The nipple is built so that it comes close in shape and texture of the nipple. He is particularly soft and flexible, also very elastic - just like a natural nipple.
The NaturalWave® teat, especially when breastfeeding in parallel, should give the baby the same sensation as on the chest and not confuse it. This is definitely true for us. My baby has taken the nipple from the beginning without a problem. And that too, even though I was not around, but Daddy gave the vial.
Conclusion: For me, the breast pump during lactation a kind of freedom and security. I can make appointments without a baby, and sometimes, even if it's hard for me, I'll be away from the baby for a few hours without starving or feeling like I'm starving. And also for the phase of weaning, the breast pump is a good support. I can absolutely recommend it.
Incidentally, you can win a Lansinoh breast pump and a glass bottle here in Advent calendar door number 8. JOIN NOW!