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How to overcome self-doubt

There are no people who are absolutely sure. All of us ever doubt either ourselves or our actions at certain moments of life. But there are people who live in constant confusion and doubt, dissonance with themselves, dissatisfaction and a sense of inferiority.

All the time they are not satisfied with something in themselves, starting with the appearance and figure, ending with the manner of behavior and even the way of thinking, not being able to Express them clearly. They feel uncomfortable, as a result of which they withdraw into themselves, suffering from loneliness and failure, being depressed, experiencing feelings of resentment, envy, anger, anger, fear and despair.

What's going on with these people? How to raise their personal self-esteem, self-respect and not be a victim of manipulators who feel the weakness of a person with a low bar? How to learn to live easily and freely, without thinking about the possible upcoming difficulties? How to establish contacts with others and make your life bright and interesting? How not to suffer from their impotence in solving urgent problems and situations?

Now let's understand-what is the uncertainty of a person in himself:

- the feeling of fear to decide on something new, unknown, fear of responsibility, indecision;

- not accepting yourself as you are, with all your strengths and weaknesses;

- the inability to accept any criticism and inability to properly criticize;

- guilt before someone (relatives, friends, colleagues).

- reliability, inability to say "no" to unnecessary requests and desires;

- inability to Express their wishes;

- absolute disrespect for their borders, the inability to build them.

Here are the approximate parameters and signs of a person who doubts himself, feels his helplessness and weakness in modern society.

By and large this denial of themselves, dislike to itself!

Where do the roots of such a problem grow, why does the individual become so vulnerable and weak?

It is scientifically proven that the self-esteem of adolescents can undermine the eternally critical and dissatisfied parents. Growing up, the child becomes important opinion surrounding his comrades, he is sensitive to his appearance, "dissimilarity", criticism. At this age develops the role of the cult, new beliefs, "perfectionism", he actively defends its position. And, if, there is a mismatch of idealized ideas about what he should be and who he really is, that's where the final formed self - doubt.

If during the time the inferiority complex could not be overcome, it leads to significant complications in the psyche in adulthood. It can manifest itself in different forms: someone develops dependence on the influence of other people, someone is experiencing a constant fear-to solve problems, to make independent decisions, to perform any action at all. And someone drops the level of self-esteem is so low that even he does not perceive himself as a person and does not put anything, only listens to other people's advice.

So how to overcome the state of self-doubt? Psychologist's advice:

The first step towards "healing" - I must admit it, to understand and identify what traits or demeanor, you prevent to live easy and free. Next – it is very important to understand what to do specifically to start to change-becomes more confident. This requires:

- learn to love and respect yourself;

- you can do autogenic training;

- analyze all your fears that prevent you from making decisions and taking responsibility for yourself;

- know all your advantages and disadvantages and accept them;

- learn to defend your opinion;

- communicate on an equal footing with all people, be able to listen and hear;

- do not scold yourself either aloud or mentally;

- do not compare yourself with anyone – there should be no idols and ideals;

- engage in their own self-knowledge and self-realization.