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How to prepare for a job interview

All adults have been subjected to a similar test as a job interview, many of us have been through it more than once. It's always nerves, anxiety, terrible anxiety and emotional stress. And there is not a single person who would not worry and do not experience their own failure and insolvency – it's normal. There are practically no absolutely self-confident people with normal mentality and development.

Why are we so nervous before the interview and so insecure? Why are we tormented by doubts and fears? How to overcome anxiety, fear?

In principle, it is a normal human emotion-to be afraid to make the wrong," wrong " impression because of which many things will change in our lives. But some of our fears and insecurities can be prevented, the question is how?

The most important thing to understand for yourself that the excitement is very much in the way of interviewing, because if you can not control yourself when talking to the employer, thoughts will be confused and, in the end, really, fail.

First, calm down!

Secondly, in order to feel more confident when dealing with an HR Manager, learn everything you can learn about the company in which you are going to work. You can talk to knowledgeable and competent people with information.

It would be nice to rehearse a prepared speech, and you can in front of a mirror to see how you will look. Imagine how you sit, how you gesture and what facial expressions you have.

Don't be afraid of failure! Imagine that there are more terrible things in the world, like an interview: accidents, fires, catastrophes. In the end, you will not be tortured in the literal sense of the word!

According to psychologists, it is more expedient to pass an autogenic training, learn relaxation and meditation techniques before such an exam. Of course, you may need psychological counseling to learn the system of self-regulation and NLP (neuro-linguistic programming). The main thing then to be able to apply the acquired skills.

It would be nice to draw your worries on a large piece of paper – what do they look like? Much depends on your imagination and emotionality. Then the picture should be crumpled, torn, you can burn and throw in the trash – everything! No fear!

The next step for an interview:

In any case, do not be late! The day before, go to the address where the interview will take place, calculate how much time you need and come 15 minutes earlier, just in case. Employers value punctuality.

Appearance is very important. You need to dress accordingly to the intended position and carefully. It is advisable to sleep well and look fresh and fit.

Smile! You can use the services of a psychologist and learn communication skills, they are generally useful in communicating with people in later life. Do not neglect the knowledge of experts in this field!

Bring the necessary documents and photocopies, just come in handy.

How to behave at the interview - psychologist's advice

You tell about yourself in advance the thought-over and prepared speech, quietly and adequately. Speak only important and significant, in small, simple sentences. The tone should not be mournful, quiet. Your speech you need to interest the interviewer, to engage him in conversation. Don't speak ill of your former employment and your boss. Tell us about some of your mistakes, but not terrible, show that you successfully cope with all the problems and difficulties. Perhaps the interview can start quite differently, for example with the solution of the case, and you should also be ready for it.

What are the expected questions you may be asked:

Tell about itself. We talked about this above.

Why are you looking for a new job?

Why did you quit your previous job?

What do you like or dislike about your chosen profession?

What are the advantages and disadvantages, achievements in the profession?

Were there any mistakes at the previous job and what?

What makes you stand out and why do we have to hire you for this vacancy?

Who do you see yourself in the near future, in 5 years, in 10?

This, of course, is not a complete list that you can ask the interviewer, but one of the most common and frequently asked. Don't get smart, but don't simplify the answers either. The most important thing is to prepare well!

Psychology of job interviews

Do not hesitate to ask your own, topical questions, as most personnel officers even like it, so you are not indifferent to the work ahead. Specify about the position, conditions, probation, and suddenly you do not fit the proposed vacancy? Value yourself and do not act on the principle – just to take!

Be confident in your knowledge, experience, capabilities and professionalism. Forget your fears, doubts and fears! You are the most worthy and necessary person for this vacancy!