A compassionate mind, as our assistant, is always very alert. He analyzes everything that happens, helps us in all situations. But, sometimes, he is so exhausting with his activity that there is no choice but to reconcile with his “voices in his head”. And who wants to “keep tenants”? Today we will consider 8 main reasons that excite the mind, making us suffer, and find solutions.
Let's figure out what often turns our minds on and how to calm it down:
- Thoughts about the future, the unknown are the most common thoughts that disturb humanity. “And how will it be?”, “And how will this happen?”, “And when will this happen?” - these are questions that constantly revolve in the head, not giving rest.
Solution: Trust the universe and let go of the situation.
- Unfulfillment - the lack of self-realization makes us uncertain, and this leads to destructive thoughts about myself: “I am nobody”, “I can’t do anything”, “I haven’t achieved anything”, etc. - Such thoughts are a direct path to depression.
Solution: Understand your strengths, what you can do and what you love to do. I wrote about this in detail in an article about self-realization. Once you identify your strengths, take action.
- There is nothing to do - when we are not busy with anything, are not carried away by anything, are not interested in anything, then a polygon will form for the mind, on which he will involuntarily think about everything that he might think of. And it is up to us to decide whether we want his freedom of thought or not.
Sometimes you need to arrange such “unloading” if you are really tired of communication, of people (if your area of activity, for example, is one where you need to communicate a lot with people).
Solution: Find a motivation that will make you get up and start doing something, even little things: wash the dishes, go to the store (for a walk), do the cleaning. And then, as if on a thumb, it’s worth pedaling a bicycle to press how it will ride.
- Thoughts about money - everyone thinks about them, but not everyone is obsessed. The most famous phrases: “I don’t have money”, “I can’t afford it” are deliberately false beliefs that we pronounce without hesitation. They can be replaced by the phrase: “to date, I have not earned yet ...”
Solution: stop talking false beliefs (see above), think, go in cycles, and start doing something, even the smallest step will lead to success. Not thought leads to a result, but action. And the following can lead to action:
- you get angry (at yourself) and begin to act;
- understand that there is no other way, there is no one to hope for;
- take off your pink glasses and see the world for real.
- Uncertainty is an exhausting state that slows us down, it seems as if time has stopped. The most unpleasant thing is when you are in this state and waiting for an answer. This may be the answer to work, study, transaction or the answer to a personal question (how to get answers to such questions).
Solution: Stop waiting, change focus, get down to business, no matter what, just keep busy. It’s good to do creativity, walk, play sports.
- Failure to fulfill desires - we draw pictures in our heads, imagine how and what should happen, be fulfilled, realized, but the opposite is happening. We are upset and begin to think, analyze, well, what’s wrong, why are the wishes not fulfilled?
Fulfillment of desire is a kind of miracle that happens suddenly when you are not waiting for it. And if you come up with the whole path of development, cling to every thought, then nothing will happen.
Solution: Understand the reason for the failure to fulfill desires, eliminate it. Details about the reasons here. Stop coming up with the development of upcoming events, trust the universe.
- Lack of communication - leads to the fact that a huge number of questions, thoughts are accumulating in the head that are haunting. From such thoughts, as they say, “the head swells”.
Solution: it is very important to talk with loved ones about your thoughts, things that concern you and worry, in order to reduce this mental pressure. And more than one thought that you want to share with someone can accumulate in a day.
- Cycling is the most common occurrence when we drive one thought for several days or months with regards to solving a situation.
Solution: To remove the importance, as soon as you lower it, it will become easier for the mind and everything will be decided.
Now you know how you can calm your mind and make your life harmonious. I wish you to have only creative thoughts, good health and good mood!