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Some people have personally experienced the phenomenon of being unable to move after waking up as a result of a vivid, disturbing dream, perhaps a nightmare.
This phenomenon doctors call sleep paralysis.
Sometimes sleep paralysis is accompanied not only by physical but also emotional reaction of the body. Waking up, a person can still experience a strong fear and excitement after seeing in a dream events that are not peculiar to the real world, as well as auditory hallucinations.
Sleep paralysis is considered quite common and common.
Some people it can disturb constantly and several times in one night, others it is possible to meet in several cases, and with the third I still never faced "such horror".
Cases of sleep paralysis are described in the ancient Scriptures.
Consequently, this problem is known to mankind from the very origins of society.
However, a few centuries ago, cases of sleep paralysis was not called a separate state of the human nervous system. Most likely, the behavior of a person in a state of sleep paralysis was written off as a result of the influence of dark forces, sorcerers and witches.
But even today, some people, having experienced the horror of sleep paralysis, are in no hurry to justify this condition by the peculiarity of their psyche, starting to blame aliens or brownies for what happened. Experts also reassure the "victims": sleep paralysis – it's just a failure in the human body, as a result of which have not passed all the stages of sleep, or sleep did not end well.
The phenomenon of sleep paralysis can occur both during the first phase of sleep and before awakening. In this state, in fact, not fully awake person for a few minutes deprived of the power of speech, the ability to move, experiencing suffocation and incomprehensible pressure, and sometimes auditory hallucinations.
The phenomenon of sleep paralysis can occur both during the first phase of sleep and before awakening. In this state, in fact, not fully awake person for a few minutes deprived of the power of speech, the ability to move, experiencing suffocation and incomprehensible pressure, and sometimes auditory hallucinations.
The article is subjective and expresses the personal opinion of the author.
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