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3 reasons why the school cannot properly prepare for the exam and exam


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The article is subjective and expresses the personal opinion of the author.

As the head of the courses for preparing for the exam and exam, I, of course, am interested in the existence of a tutoring market. But as a graduate of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University and a teacher with extensive experience, I certainly often think about what needs to change so that all graduates pass the exams as successfully as possible, relying only on school knowledge.

Let's try to figure out: why the school does not cope 100% with the preparation of students for final exams.

1. Passing a program in academic subjects and the ability to solve test tasks are not the same thing

Any subject teacher will confirm to you that the tasks of the 9th grade exam or the 11th grade exam require that the student not only have system knowledge in subjects, but also have certain skills to work with test materials. Children should correctly read the wording of specific tasks that differ from the usual standard wording of the textbook, be able to correctly enter them into special forms, write detailed answers according to special templates laid down in the evaluation criteria. All this has to be taught separately, and the time in the lesson is not always enough.

The school curriculum is traditionally held in large thematic blocks, and in the tasks of the USE and USE, each subsequent question is often taken from the context of another topic, which perhaps took place 2-4 years ago. Imagine a brick wall in a dark room, it was lit with a lantern in different places. These are the tasks from the entire extensive school course that are tested on the exam.

The choice of bricks lit with a flashlight is almost random, but each student who claims to have high scores should remember every brick and have an idea of ​​the features of the brickwork of this wall, which was built for more than one year. That is why preparation for final exams has become a kind of application to the school curriculum, unfortunately, often paid.

2. The request for high results of the exam and exam is always a request for an individual approach to training

Let's start with the exams in grade 9. Many believe that this interim certification does not deserve close attention and analysis. This is a dangerous fallacy. Of course, we categorically do not welcome the artificial escalation of fear of these exams. Indeed, the status of the exam in grade 9 is an order of magnitude lower than the points for the exam in grade 11. However, many parents and students in the ninth grade are no less worried than those who pass the exam. What is this fear based on? Where is its source?

My practice shows that unrest arises where there are systemic gaps in knowledge. The school has a focus on the complete absence of twos, but there is no well-functioning system for working with lagging children.

The snowball of problems that has accumulated over several years can only be tackled by those educators who are able to organize an individual approach to the child in filling these gaps. Here most often requires one-on-one jewelry work. Each teacher can theoretically organize such classes, but in practice the school is not ready to provide such services for free, displacing students in the paid services market.

In the story with the exam, the logic is similar, although the rates, of course, increase significantly. After the 9th grade, not everyone is eager for the 10th, more and more students go to college. In grade 11, on the contrary, almost everyone wants to become university students.

And the school is again in a difficult position, because it cannot provide training for all graduates at the level of 75-90 points necessary for entering budget places. The school has its own motivation: officials expect statistics from it, excluding those who have not passed the minimum threshold, and a good average score for the entire stream of graduates.

Parents have a completely different request - they need high results. That is why tutoring becomes a necessity, because turning a “3” or “4” in a subject into a high-quality “5” is possible only with an individual approach. Translation of test scores into grades has not been practiced for a long time, but all passing scores in top universities correspond to either "5" or "5+" in the subject.

Parents do not always rely on the school and buy additional services for preparing for the exam, hoping for a guaranteed result. The officials do not care who prepared the high marks - a teacher, tutor or collective efforts, so the task of working with knowledge gaps is not directly posed for the school. If the statistics are good, then paid services become the personal choice of the family and are not regulated in any way.

3. The system of specialized training is not fully debugged and does not work in all regions

Today, only one subject is required to successfully prepare the entire class (without exception) for the final exam - this is a teacher of Russian language and literature. All his students must receive credit for the final essay and overcome the minimum threshold of exam points in the Russian language. Such a double burden and double responsibility, of course, requires maximum concentration and professionalism from the teacher. However, the number of class hours and overcrowded classes do not allow most graduates to prepare for admission to budget places.

The math teacher was simplified the task a bit: now he must make sure that those who do not need math to enter the university, cope with the tasks of the basic exam. All other examinations (except for the Russian language) are training in the profile education mode, that is, working with a small group of students motivated to enter specialized universities. It would seem that the logic is quite harmonious and promising. But in reality it is not so beautiful.

Everything rests on the teaching staff. There are regions where there is no specialized education at all, which means that the question of preparation for a specialized subject lies entirely with the family. There is only one way out - tutors. Where there is specialized education, the qualifications of teachers are not always enough. I would never speak about this unfoundedly if high-ranking officials from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and Rosobrnadzor themselves had not voiced this problem in the media.

LANCMAN SCHOOL has an iron rule: when applying for a job, each candidate must write an exam in his subject for 100 points. The school, unfortunately, cannot afford such a rotation of personnel, therefore, many graduates choose paid preparation for the exam outside the walls of their own school.

Let us return to the main question: why does the school not cope with the preparation for the exam and the exam? The answer is paradoxical: the school is coping, just the goals of free public education and the parents of graduates are very different. On the way out, the official statistics of the state final certification are getting better every year: the average scores are higher, the doubles are less. That's just not getting less tutors.

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