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How can a foreigner get a budget place in a Russian university


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It is not the first year that Russian universities have been trying to attract as many foreign students as possible. This is due to the fact that domestic higher education has very specific tasks: our universities should recruit at least 10% of foreign teachers and attract at least 15% of foreign students.

You probably know that there is a state program, an ambitious project called "5-100". The main objective of the program is to get into the top 100 prestigious international university rankings by 2020 (hence the name). It turns out that at least five Russian universities in the near future should be in the top 100 universities in the world. The successful implementation of joint educational programs with other foreign universities and the attraction of foreign students is one of the components of the state program.

Here is a step-by-step instruction for foreign applicants on how to get a budget place in one of the Russian universities within the framework of special quotas.

In 2018, St. Petersburg State University was recognized as the most popular university among foreign students. This year there was a record number of applications to this university - 4200, SPbU even outstripped RUDN University (at RUDN University - 3378 applications). In third place is the Kazan (Volga) Federal University - 2194 applications.

In 2018, 88,906 applications were submitted by foreign applicants for admission to Russian universities. The most popular specialty is “General Medicine” (4854 applications).

Step 1. Search for the university of your dreams and study programs in Russia

Each foreign applicant has the right to try to enter (apply for admission) to six Russian universities at the same time. Great, isn't it? How to understand the huge number of programs offering higher education in Russia? To do this, you need to competently organize the search. And here russia.study will help you.

This resource is simply an indispensable assistant for a foreign entrant. Here you can use the convenient search system and select the desired university and study programs, get detailed instructions on submitting documents, learn about state scholarships, medical insurance, obtaining a student visa and registration, employment opportunities and much more.

By the way, if you can’t decide for yourself what program you need to enter, you can always write to info@russia.study, and the resource staff will help you with the choice.

Step 2. Confirmation of the document on completion of secondary education received outside Russia

It is very simple to do this - just go to the website www.nic.gov.ru. This is an official resource of the National Information Center for the Recognition of Education and (or) Qualifications, Academic Degrees and Titles Received in a Foreign State and the Glavekspertsentcentr Federal State Budgetary Institution. The site has a section "International agreements on the mutual recognition of documents on education." For example, for graduates from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, South Ossetia, Abkhazia and a number of other countries, document confirmation is not required at all. These applicants can immediately prepare a package of documents for admission to a Russian university. By the way, they do not need a visa either; a passport is enough.

If there is an agreement between the countries on the recognition of documents, then you only need to get a paper on the equivalence of your education document. If the country does not have an agreement with the Russian Federation, then there is no reason to panic, you will need to go through the procedure for recognizing documents on education at the Glavekspertsentcentr Federal State Budgetary Institution and also obtain a certificate of equivalence.

By the way, some universities take on these chores upon admission of a foreign student, so clarify all the nuances of the procedure by contacting the university directly.

Step 3. Formation of a package of documents for submission in two ways (online or in person)

At this stage, you need to understand how you will submit documents: online or transfer a package of documents in person on paper. And in that, and in another case, you need to understand in advance that the package of documents will be solid: in addition to an identity document, an education certificate officially recognized in the Russian Federation, you will need to fill out a candidate's application form and provide various medical documents.

You can submit the entire package online to a single selection operator in a foreign country on the site russia.study. If for some reason the online submission of documents is unacceptable for you, then you can submit documents on paper in the country of residence of the applicant by contacting the Rossotrudnichestvo representative office or the diplomatic representative office of the Russian Federation (if Rossotrudnichestvo is not available in the country).

Step 4. Passing entrance tests to the university

For admission to higher education programs in Russia, a foreign applicant must pass the entrance tests. And this is not an exam.

Examination is provided only for citizens of the Russian Federation. Foreign students pass the entrance examinations provided for in the university. That is, each higher education institution independently decides what entrance exams the future foreign student should pass. Usually, he performs the first entrance test at the stage of filing documents, that is, the first qualifying stage is still at home.

If you have correctly drawn up and submitted all the necessary documents, as well as successfully passed all the entrance examinations, then you will be credited to a budget place under quotas for foreign students.

Admission to Russian universities of compatriots

By the way, in Russia there are state programs for entering budget places and compatriots living abroad. About them it is worth at least briefly speaking separately.

Compatriots are people living outside the Russian Federation, but having USSR citizenship, living in the past on the territory of Russia, or having a direct ascension relationship with citizens of the Russian Federation.

If a compatriot has the citizenship of the Russian Federation, then he, like all Russian graduates, will be able to enter a university according to the results of the exam. To do this, you must submit an application for participation in the state final certification by February 1.

If a compatriot does not have Russian citizenship, then he can choose between the exam and entrance examinations of the university. It is only necessary to remember that a compatriot can enter a Russian university according to the results of internal entrance tests only within a year from the moment of receiving a document on education. If a year has passed, you have to take the exam. The application for participation in the exam is always only until February 1.

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