Frequently asked questions: "Who am I?"Where is my purpose in life?", "What do I really want?"And this is not just a topic for reflection, there is a deep sense of self-knowledge, their needs and capabilities. Most often, such thoughts excite people who have not decided on the choice of profession, place of work or do not understand their position in society. Sometimes such thoughts are asked by not very young, but quite, it would seem, held men, less often women.
The problem of choosing a profession – how to understand your path?
First you need to know about the types of career - there are only six. So it will be easier to understand yourself, to which of the following types of careerists I belong. So:
1. Vertical
A person aspires up the career ladder, respectively, will look for the job, where it will be possible.
2. Expert
The most common. Doctors, lawyers, teachers, hairdressers, cooks and so on, and, on the contrary, they are not going to rise to certain heights, they are comfortable in their activities. Be a cool specialist and all! And high positions are absolutely not necessary.
3. Horizontal
These people all get bored! The happiest period – the development of a new, unfamiliar. They are not afraid in what direction they will go, in what industry, the main thing is to experience the unknown. They even feel some are not so wrong, but feel a great need for new beginnings.
4. Entrepreneurial
Individuals who do not tolerate bosses, commanders and control. All by yourself. Possessing critical features, quietly accept responsibility and have talent everywhere to see additional value. As a rule, these are business people.
5. Centripetal
"Get as close as possible to a significant person" - that's their way. At the same time, without incurring any responsibility, without making any decision, the main thing – to communicate with strong, powerful and influential personalities. An illustrative example is the cleaner at the Minister's office, Secretary's policy, the driver high official, a makeup artist famous singer.
6. Design
Career a similar on horizontal. People who live events, it is important to them that there was a beginning and an end, whenever looking for a new project. This can be the organization of a major event, concert, Olympics, festival.
But, quite possibly, during life trajectory development and needs can change.
The main problem for a person are the questions: "What motivates me?""What do I want from work or business (success, status, power, achievements, fame, love of people, confidence in the future, etc.)?"This is the motive-the motive and the reason for action. Then, it is necessary to determine the goals that answer the question: "How do I achieve the desired?"The goal is most often the study of yourself, your resources, the outside world. Next, you need to set a specific task and outline a plan for its implementation, you can just ideas and implement.
Difficulties of search of the purpose, sense and a choice of the mission
Often there are difficulties in choosing a goal, such as:
1. Goal there is, but not concrete.
2. Man does not understand what he wants and there is nothing to compare.
3. Tormented by doubts, self-doubt and their capabilities.
To facilitate their condition can, and should, make plans, three of them:
- long-term (for the rest of your life);
- medium-term (for the next 3-10 years);
- short-term (from 3 to 12 months).
Thus, it is clearly visible-what I want to achieve and where to be in a certain period of time, both professionally and personally.
Another serious aspect to define "yourself" is to think about your own values. About conscious and unconscious beliefs, what to strive for and what ways to achieve it. It's always "what's good and what's bad?"What is not acceptable in the work (in the media, in people, in the environment), what significant values should correspond to my occupation.
After determining the motive, goals and values, we consider our interests – emotionally colored, increased attention to any object or phenomenon. For example, what you need to understand at this stage of life: scientific discoveries, technology, wildlife, human nature, and more. It is useful in the activity to see those processes which at the same time turn out and give pleasure.
It is also useful to consider such segments:
- subject and object, on whom (on that) activities directed;
- means-what I use, what I like to work with;
- team-with whom I perform my work task (alone, with a partner, in a team with distributed roles and responsibilities);
- communication-quantity and quality of interactions with other people (length of contacts, object, tasks)
- conditions-time and space for doing business (location, interior);
- environment – the people, atmosphere and corporate culture that surround me;
- compensation-material remuneration for work;
- result criterion (who, how often, in what form and by what criteria evaluates my activity).
If you decide on all of the above, it will be much easier to understand yourself and your needs, make a choice and live in pleasure and harmony with yourself and the world around you.