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The sphere of life

What happens when we advise and advise us?


A lot of people on this planet like to advise! Don’t feed bread, let me tell you what and how to do what, and what will be right for them. Today we’ll talk about advisers.

The biggest mistake is advice without asking. When no one asks us for anything, and we love to give advice, we are more visible from the outside than to a person who goes his own way, right?

    Never judge a person until you walk the path in his shoes!

Remember this truth, no one knows what is inside each person. And the fact that he broadcasts to the world is by no means a 100% indicator of the whole true picture of his life. A lot of the unconscious is hidden inside us, about which we, the masters of our body, are not even aware.

What happens when we advise?

When we give advice without asking, we lose our energy and do not receive feedback, because everything we do when we are not asked, only takes energy.

Imagine that two girlfriends gathered and one from the other asks: “What do you think, what is the best way for me to act in this situation?”. And they begin a dialogue, a conversation of souls.

Image by StockSnap from Pixabay
Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

Now imagine that one girlfriend starts to say the other from the doorway: “I’m telling you to do this, and not otherwise, believe me, I have not a lot of experience behind me, I won’t advise anything bad!” At this moment, the girlfriend turns on the indoor unit and she does not perceive the energy that the other girlfriend purposefully sends to her. It looks like a gun barrel. And so, energy is wasted, giving nothing in return, only consumption.

Image by prettysleepy1 from Pixabay
Image by prettysleepy1 from Pixabay

IMPORTANT! It is important to discuss the problem with someone, not even to give us advice, but so that in our conversation we can hear the answer from ourselves. All resources and knowledge, as we feel better, are within us, so during a coach session in a conversation we hear and get all the answers. And we, as no one else knows, what we should do and what steps to take.

Why do you want to give advice? By the way, not everyone notices that they give advice, it may seem like this is just a conversation leading to an idea. But this is not so, all this points precisely to the advice that a person pay attention to our words, but we know better what he needs! Therefore, all the advice you need to keep with you and keep until asked about them.

Inside us is an ego that wants to establish itself, to prove that it is smart and knows everything. Often, this is due to low self-esteem in order to prove myself, my need and to prove to everyone that “I am smart”.

One thing that needs to be understood is that by advising a person about something, we are fully responsible for this, for his actions, for the result that he will receive and for the emotions that he will experience. So let's not take responsibility for anyone but ourselves and without asking us to advise or impose anything on anyone, because each person has the right to decide what and how to do it.

What happens when we are advised?

My observations and polls come down to one thing: if others advise us what to do in a given situation, we are belligerent. And, as a rule, advice is given out to the right and to the left by people who do not quite lead the right way of life or develop in different areas. They warn that we would not step on their rake.

What do we have to do? Or we endure until a person expresses his thought about our problem or say “stop”. When we receive a “portion” of instructions for action, our soul begins to resist, because it, like no one else, knows what is the best action for us in a particular situation. If we can’t say STOP due to our nature or other reasons, we can simply listen to “it flew into one ear, flew into the other.” And then correctly inform that if you need advice, we will definitely turn.

What do they give us advice without asking other people? Nothing, annoyance. This is similar to the situation when you sit at home and relax, and a person who breaks your space and comfort zone tumbles into you without demand.

Friends, I hope this article was useful for you, I describe only what I collect from the pebbles from my life experience and other people.