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A tempting theory of modernity

The theory of alpha parenthood began to speak at the end of the twentieth century. That parents act for the child the most important people, it was clear and so.

But an important difference is proposed to focus not on the method of caring for the child-what to feed, how to talk to him, where to put to sleep, and on the relationship with him.

You need to be in the position of "caring alpha" – strong, kind, caring, and realize that the child is very small, inexperienced and very dependent.

We all want to have an absolute understanding with other people. Or at least with your child. It is important for him to give warmth, comfort and full acceptance, to avoid resentment and discontent with each other.

But, according to psychologists, this is hardly possible. In order for your child to grow a full-fledged Mature person, he needs not meek friends, but attentive educators.

In the ancient Greek alphabet, "alpha" was the initial letter, it denoted power and dominance. Alpha is the one in front, responsible for all others, and this is at the heart of human nature.

The basis of this theory is the theory of canadian researcher Gordon Newfeld about attachment (he himself was the father of five children). He argues that children's strong attachment to their parents is the Foundation of their development and well – being.

This theory has gained even more development and popularity in Russia, not least thanks to Olga Pisarik, who lives in Canada and teaches at the Newfeld Institute, the mother of 4 kids.

She created a community on the social network LiveJournal called "Caring alpha", wrote many articles and a wonderful brochure " Attachment-a vital connection." From Olga's point of view, to be an alpha is not to demand that the child do something, but to be in a position where the child feels relaxed, and which will send a signal to his brain that he can rely on the adult responsible for him. The child relies on affection, and nature is left to carry out its natural activities for the development of the baby.

Here it is worth noting that all theories of education can be divided into 2 significant groups. According to the first of them, the child should be helped to reveal his natural potential and learn to listen to the strings of his soul and other people, and act on the dictates of his heart, even if others do not understand it.

From such children, you can expect different things: they will bring home strange animals and will breed them, will create computer games and be interested in eSports or go to India to seek enlightenment. A striking example – a huge upset mom when her son decided to enter the circus school. True, now he works in Germany as a comedian, has world fame and fantastic profits, but this, of course, does not always happen.

Parents who follow this view are ready to hear the child, to accept his choice, to help achieve what he wants. Alpha theory is relevant to this group of educational ideas.

In the same row are quiet home birth, breastfeeding until the child did not leave from a breast, free education with learning at home and unschooling (rejection of school). Alpha theory, however, the use of hospitals and schools does not reject: if the alpha mother sends in the garden, therefore, need to go to kindergarten.

The opposite view-you need to carve a diamond out of the child, if you do not help him and do not guide him, then he will not be able to develop his talents correctly. Therefore, he needs to be stimulated and trained from infancy, to find out what he is successful in, helping him to become socially successful, realized and happy.

To give a strong will to give the ability to achieve the goals and good of the profession. Such parents spend a lot of time and effort to carry the baby to training, to competitions, do lessons together and prepare to take exams. However, it is not always the question of whether the liking of the child himself. Harmony in this case consists in high achievements and position in society. In this may be present and human happiness, and the soul, but there is little time for a common setting with the child, the feelings towards him. And the child himself does not have time to look into himself.

This is the price for performance training. There are many such teachings-the concept of early development from Cecil Lupan, Masaru Ibuka, Glenn Doman, the so-called "Japanese" and "Chinese system". There are also children-artists and children-athletes, whose training is a constant background of life, no doubt. Of them often grow Champions, winners, famous personalities, but as adults, they are much more familiar with depressive States and addictions, often seek help from psychologists (money is enough). From this point of view, alpha parenting is little acceptable.