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The sphere of life

Through crisis to transformation!

mage of Enrique Meseguer from Pixabay
mage of Enrique Meseguer from Pixabay

How often do we come across the fact that something in our life does not suit us and we understand that this burden pulls us only down. But we are not able to resist and make changes. This can be manifested in any field: work, friends, relatives, creativity and so on. This is called a crisis, each person has his own.

In order for these changes to enter into their full right, a tremendous determination is required to act, a willingness to grow. Because the crisis is given so that we begin to change something in our lives, so that the person himself will clarify a lot for himself and now know what he wants to do next! The longer the rubber, similar to the swamp, lasts, the stronger the crisis will manifest itself, until we remove the cause.

The crisis has been given to us so that we do not sit still and begin to act differently. If you do something and it doesn’t work, start doing something else.

This, friends, applies to everything, if you think that this is the truth and strive for it, but nothing works for you, then you need to change the “truth”. Do you understand? Otherwise, you can wallow in the swamp for a long time and not see the way out, except to wait for someone to stretch out a stick to pull out from there.

We are given a unique ability - intuition, for someone it is lower, for someone at the highest level. And she always shows the right path, you need to learn to hear her and wait, the answer will be, but everything has its time.

At the time of crisis, it is necessary to concentrate all the sharpness of the mind and direct the essence of the problem, without losing a clear picture of what is happening. The decision is only in our hands. As soon as the decision is made completely and unconditionally, here you can ask for the help of the right specialists. Not everyone can independently cope with a psychological crisis, or rather a very small fraction.

Why does man need a transformation?


It is necessary to understand a very important thing that transformation is inevitable, you need to live it correctly. If a person has had different events on his way that led him to do something wrong or behave incorrectly, he will go through these negative events until he understands that he needs to change. The longer we do not want to understand and accept that we need to change something in ourselves, the more often negative situations will be repeated, the more people will turn away and when we finally decide to make these changes in ourselves, we should not count on the help of loved ones that we’ve already "fed up" with.

So, friends, people become lonely and do not understand why everyone turned away from them. And when they understand this, it turns out to be very late. The sooner we understand that we need to change, that we need to make some right decision, get rid of something, which is very painful, the smaller losses can be avoided. Here the losses are mostly emotional, and such losses are very exhausting, weakness, apathy, depression and other unpleasant sensations ensue.

Imagine that you are in a swamp, what's around you? - the swamp. What do you feel? - fear, panic, that now it will drag you away. What will you do in this situation? - stop panic, be afraid and start thinking how to get out of there, you will try to take various poses to release one leg, then the other, then lying down to crawl and finally get out. This is a moment of crisis. Then you will come to your senses from what happened to you. The state is similar as after an earthquake, when the magnitude is 1 point after 9. This is a post-crisis state, it is more pleasant that everything is behind. But it’s too early to relax, because it is necessary to recover from the shock with therapeutic methods (psychologists, psychotherapists ...)

If you change jobs or circumstances in your life have developed so that you are promoted, but you are not ready and you are scared, this is a crisis. Do you know why? Because you were dragged out of your comfort zone and sent to transform through this crisis. So that you do not stay too long, but reveal your potential, which is simply necessary for other people.

The crisis is given to us so that we can finally begin to change something in our life.

Think about your stages of life, how often you had to deal with transformational crises (we are not talking about stressful events, injuries, losses) and how you went through them. What did you get after? Or maybe now you are on the path to transformation? Then answer the question: “Why do you need it, why did this happen to you?”

I wish your path through transformation to be the softest and easiest!