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There is a saying "greed leads to poverty." The creators of financial pyramids skillfully exploit this feature of people, offering extremely favorable conditions for the accumulation of money but, most often, they pursue completely different goals.
How is the financial pyramid?
The essence of the offer, which comes to all comers, is very simple - bring your money today, and tomorrow take it back with a profit. Moreover, the profit that the organizers promise is much higher than the offers that can be found in banks. We are talking about doubling the deposit per month, despite the fact that this will not happen in the bank even in a year.
And, indeed, at first it happens. People invest their money and freely take them back with a profit, which is formed at the expense of new investors. That is why the name "pyramid" arose. If you are among the first, then you have a chance to feel all the delights of the event. But over time, the number of participants becomes too large, and there are no longer those who bring their money, but there are a large number of those who want to take them. At this moment, a collapse occurs, because the money of new investors passed to the old in the form of interest and there is nothing and no one to return.
A bit of history
In 1994, someone Sergei Mavrodi began to advertise on TV, on the radio and in newspapers a unique way to get rich quick. To do this, it was only necessary to buy "MMM tickets", the price of which grew daily. The point was that today you buy such a ticket for 100 rubles, and tomorrow you sell it back for 110. Or 120. The price was set daily and did not depend on anything. Tickets were only getting more expensive, and they were shouting about it from every angle. In just six months, 15 million people became involved in the game (every tenth Russian), inside the MMM there was a third of Russia's annual budget, the price of tickets increased 127 times from the original (that is, the one who bought a ticket on the first day for 1000 rubles could sell it for 127.000!). Three years later, it was all over. Mavrodi was arrested, and millions of participants in the pyramid were left with nothing. As a souvenir, they got a huge number of “tickets” and a bitter experience. Yes, the MMM participants had decisions from the courts on which they relied on some means, but there was nowhere to take them, because they were all virtual and did not exist in nature.
Who makes money on financial pyramids
In the first place, the organizers receive income, because they are at the top of the whole chain and at any time they can stop paying, believing that they have earned enough. Next come the investors of the first wave - usually these are people who are familiar with the organizers or close to them. With the rest of the participants, fate can manage in different ways. Someone will be lucky, but someone will stay on the beans. Moreover, the latter will be much more than the former.
Why is participating in the pyramids dangerous?
Suppose you understand all this and decide to try. Because your friend tried and he was lucky, other friends too. Remember that at this moment your greed prevailed and you can lose all the money invested. If this option suits you, then you can take the risk. Moreover, it is in the interests of the organizer of the pyramid to make sure that you receive the profit promised to them. Preferably - more than once. Because, look, you risked a small amount being ready to lose it and earned it. You invested more and earned again. You called your friends (did your friends call you too?) And they also invested their money. And at this moment, when you all together donated considerable funds to the financial pyramid, because you have already made sure that “there is no deception” and it is the turn of the organizers to close the shop and stop paying.
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