I want to share with you one worldly experience, perhaps this also happened to you. It was like this: I really wanted to try one dessert, the Austrian national cake. And I wanted him for about 3 years. My wish came true, I saw him at home in the refrigerator. And she waited for the very moment when I will try it, represented all its greatness and fullness of taste. Putting a piece in my mouth, with an anticipation of something beautiful, my reaction was a shock. How so? Why is it not tasty? I knew that it must be very tasty, everyone talked about it ... Anger, irritation, discontent and disappointment - that’s all I experienced from such a small desire. This suggests that I was in an illusion and did not understand that there was still another side to the coin.
I had one more desire, it came true 2 years later, as it wanted. When I realized that the desire was fulfilled, I was very happy at heart. But at what cost it was fulfilled, I found out later. Nothing terrible happened, just a very negative emotional sediment remained.
Every action has its own reward and its own price.
I did not stop there, I continued to desire further, not realizing that all my desires were being fulfilled, but taking away my energy in exchange. Why is this happening? We’ll talk about this.
If you do not get what you want, you suffer. And even if you get exactly what you want, you still suffer because you cannot hold it forever.
All our desires come from the mind and have a true cause. To understand it, you need to answer the questions:
Why do we want this?
So what changes?
Why is this so important to us?
After answering the questions, we can understand if the ego within us wants it? Now, when we understand that this desire is not of the soul, but of our ego (all wishes come from there and this is normal), then it will always take something in return. But if this is the desire of your soul, which has nothing to do with the ego, then it will be fulfilled and bring only good.
What to do to make wishes come true?
It is necessary to understand and accept the fact that the desire that you made may not be fulfilled, and you are ready for this and joyfully accept this fact, so it should be so.
And not always the Universe gives us what we ask. Do you know why? Because only the Lord knows what is best for us to give. And we are mistaken when we think that we are about to live! The desire will come true and everything will be fine! - This is not true. Our whole path is life.
The path is what brings us joy, not the goal.
Many times I noticed that when I reached my goal I felt short-term joy, and I was upset that this did not bring long-term pleasure. Everything is short-term and fleeting, like time. I did not understand why and what I was doing wrong, why I could not enjoy achieving the goal, because the path to it was very long. Now I understood everything, the truth is in receiving the joy of moving towards the goal, and not the result itself. One must learn to enjoy the path, and not the point of achievement itself.
A conscious presence in the moment, to enjoy being in the here and now state is the truth. There is no past, no future, only now! You need to learn to think about it.