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Execution of desires

How to fulfill a wish? We must all have imagined that we had found a lamp with a Genie telling us that he would grant our three wishes.

And here we think that it would be necessary to make a fortune, love and recognition, although no, it is better to make a thousand wishes... That would be so in reality!

However, think about it, because you have not heard of anyone who found this lamp! Even if it is somewhere, the probability of bumping into it is zero. It would never occur to us to look for her! We all know it's a fairy tale.

So why do we not believe in this tale, but are willing to believe in another? Someone goes to the sorcerers to conduct rituals, someone carefully "visualizes" the desired, forms the "intention", etc.

How do we want to get everything at once! Yes, deceive us not it is difficult, we and themselves be deceived are happy.

So what then? How to fulfill a wish?

In fact, human desires are not diverse. We want prosperity, health, love, favorite things and respect for themselves and loved ones, rarely anyone else wants knowledge. In fact, we all know what we need to do to get it.

But many do not want to pay with their time and effort. So they run to all sorts of charlatans who for reasonable money promise that "the universe will help you."

If we want wealth, we need to know the right people, to be able to handle money, to be able to cheat and defend their own, to be able to organize. We need to focus on finding connections, gaining knowledge, learning to lead.

If you want true wealth you will have to go down this path. You can try to cheat, but it will not work, you will have to pay for everything.

If we want to be healthy, we need to watch our health. Time to be treated and lead a healthy lifestyle. Trust doctors, not psychics. Of course it's boring and not original.

Can be of course try find its unique path, to do plots on health and to drink liqueurs. But it is better to go to a therapist.

If we want love, then we must become worthy of this love. That you can give your favorite or beloved, why him be precisely with you? That you can offer: emotions, sex, social position, and can something write home about? Muse. Even in the search for love help banal things: attractive appearance, positive communication, attentions, adequacy.

How to find your favorite thing?

It's very simple, you just have to do only what you love and look for opportunities to make money on it.

To get what you want, you need to look for opportunities. There are always chances around us, we just need to grab them and use them to the fullest. Very often we push away the best offers because of some inner uncertainty.

Very often we only think that we want to fulfill desires, but in fact we do nothing for this, and sometimes Vice versa.

Whatever we want, it takes time and effort. If we want a strong family, we need to pay attention to relatives, do them good. If we want wealth, we must spend our energy searching for it.

We do not always have enough time and energy for all our desires and therefore we need to choose what is more important for us. And believe me, everyone chooses.

The rich often lack love, strong families money, and someone both, because he spent time and effort on something else. Sometimes you have to choose.

Is it necessary to fulfill all desires?

The desire to give our lives flavor and meaning. We value only what is little. For example, in my childhood there were no bananas and therefore they were the most desired food, the most delicious delicacy in the world.

When I was told that there are countries where people are fed up with this fruit, I thought that they must be crazy. Now I can buy them hundreds of pounds, but I do not, because it is no longer a delicacy.

This happens to literally everything pleasant in our lives. We appreciate what is not enough. There are many people who are fed up.

They no longer get the joy of making money, the joy of sex, the joy of eating. They have lost the taste for life. To feel life, them lacks in life hunger!

So do not try to take everything from life, take as much as you need and remember that for the sake of fulfillment of desires you need to do something.