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It would seem that Lublin does not require additional advertising, but here I will tell you about one of the most high-profile episodes in the history of the Lublin crown Tribunal, this is the legend of the court of the Devil.
In 1637, a Tribunal (now the town hall) heard a dispute between a poor widow and a wealthy magnate. The judge ruled in favor of the magnate, than unfairly offended the widow.
The woman came out of the building and shouted in anger that if her devils tried, and not the people, even they would accept a just sentence.
That evening the clerk of the Tribunal heard the carriages drive up under the house, and then the strange red-robed judges come up the stairs.
The trial of the widow they began to conduct in a new way.
The terrified clerk noticed that there was something diabolical in the sharp features and evil eyes of the judges, and that their black hair concealed their horns.
By midnight, these judges had ruled in favor of the widow.
The President of the devil's court, to remind him of his presence, laid his hand on the table, on the oak surface of which burned a sign.
On the second day the rumour of a nocturnal visit to the Tribunal spread through the town, and a crowd of interested people gathered in the Market-place.
Unjust judges, hurrying to a new case, broke their legs on the stairs of the Tribunal.
Seeing in it God's punishment, people achieved that the decision of secular court was accepted in favor of the widow and her children.
It is interesting that the historical table, burned down after the hand of the devil, has survived to the present day, tourists can see it in the Museum on Castle hill.
They will hear that this table has been reminding local Themis Ministers for more than 350 years of what justice should be like.
The article is subjective and expresses the personal opinion of the author.
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