Why is there a loss of faith in yourself? Because our perception of life is constantly changing. Sometimes we are full of enthusiasm, and sometimes it seems to us that our efforts are not demanded by anyone. At such moments we abandon our endeavors.
In previous articles, I have talked about the importance of continuous efforts towards our goal. If we want to achieve results, our efforts must be constant and stable.
Why do we lose faith in ourselves
Today I want to talk about the danger of succumbing to pessimistic thinking.
Imagine that you have been working on some project for six months, and now the first results should appear. It is at such a moment that there is a sense of the futility of our efforts.
Why is this happening? The fact is that if we set ourselves a specific time when our efforts should begin to pay off, then when we approach this time we begin to expect the first results.
But there is one peculiarity in human thinking-we tend to underestimate labor, time and other costs when planning. Usually this underestimation is from 30%. Thus, if we planned the result in 6 months, in reality it will appear in 8. This difference of two months is the reason that pessimism comes over us.
We think, " If the result doesn't show up at the right time, it probably won't happen at all." And here we fall into a trap. If at this point to stop making efforts, the result really will not be.
How to avoid the “nothing will work " effect”
The first thing to know-efforts can not be in vain. Any of our efforts change something in the world. Even if you do some meaningless thing, but purposefully, the result is still (though equally meaningless).
If we do something meaningful, there is bound to be a meaningful result. Question in timing. We just have to wait until our efforts reach a certain critical point.
The second thing you should know: there are not many people who can overcome this threshold of “nothing will come of it”, which means that if you overcome it, it will put you much higher than most possible competitors. This can be seen as a competition in obstinacy. Who more stubborn, the and wins on our spree life.
At this point, a person is very important support. So do not hide your project in secret. Tell all the positive people you know about it so you can get confirmation from people that you're not doing anything stupid. Of course, there will be people who will convince you of the futility of your efforts. Don't listen to them, they don't understand anything, listen to those who praise you. There are people who criticize any undertaking.
Try to view your efforts as a process of self-improvement. Even if you don't see the outer result, the inner result is there — you learn to make a purposeful effort, so you win anyway.
And, finally, it is worth knowing that such despondency rolls over us in any case, regardless of our real success. This should be seen as just another small obstacle that you will sweep out of your way.
Let's think, what is a person?
Can man-this his body? To some extent, Yes, man cannot exist without the body. Yet the body is not a man. The body is the instrument by which we can exist in this world, in this reality. It's a tool like scuba, so we can live underwater for a while.
Can man-this his thought? Certainly, thoughts are very important, they help us to assess events correctly, to develop the right decisions, to draw logical conclusions, to solve problems, but are we? No. Thinking is also a tool, like a computer that we upload data to, and it compares and analyzes it. In fact, thinking is a part of our body, a computer with complex software that comes with it.
Can man-this his experience? As without experience? Without it, we would not even be aware of our existence in the world, we would not feel the passage of time, because every moment would be our first. We couldn't exist without him. But experience is also not us, it is just a giant file with millions of events and billions of images that we have experienced and imprinted in our memory.
So what are we?
What's left if you take everything from us? What will remain if we take away our body, senses, sight, hearing, ability to think and even our memory? Did nothing? I think there will be some left. This existence. The fact that we are will remain. There will be some energy to act. This is the soul. The soul is the impulse to action.
It is the soul that makes people change their lives, despite all the habits and restrictions. The soul contains energy that can literally turn the world. The main quality of the soul is the desire for action, but the direction in which this energy flows depends on the body, thinking, experience, etc.
Whatever happens to us, inside each of us there is a center of calm, a dispassionate observer. This observer is not of this world, but he makes everything work. Without the soul, the body and mind would be an empty shell, a mechanism without true self-consciousness. A man without a soul would be like a puppet. Such a person could be compared to a passenger plane without people, which moves on autopilot from nowhere to nowhere. Man without self.
Fortunately, this can not be, because without the active principle can not exist life. And so a person always has a resource that can break any internal and external constraints. It is through the soul that we can overcome any " impossible."