The basis of self-improvement practice
The practice of self-improvement begins with the realization of the goal. It can be compared to career growth. Neither the one nor the other does not happen by itself in isolation from a particular field of activity. You can't grow " nowhere."
Therefore, before talking about self-improvement practices, it is necessary to answer the question " what?", and better and on question " why?”. The first step in anything begins with setting a specific goal.
For example, people like to talk about “personal growth.” But the question arises, and what part of the person is going to”grow". If a person talks about personal growth in General, then most likely he is mistaken or he is deliberately deceived. What exactly are we talking about?
A person can improve himself in anything: in sports, in the profession, in the ability to communicate and so on. And since self-improvement is so different, it may not always be a good thing, because a person can improve in the Commission of evil deeds.
Therefore, before you start practicing self-improvement, it is necessary to clearly define the goal. The smaller and more specific it is, the greater and faster the effect can be achieved.
Self-improvement should be divided into 5 main areas:
Perfecting the body
Improving the mind
Improving social skills
Professional self-improvement
Moral self-improvement
It should be understood that the directions that I have listed are also quite blurred. In fact, each point is a separate space, in which there are so many directions that it takes your breath away. This means that no one can achieve perfection, and whether it is necessary? Just choose what is most important to you.
Self-improvement process
So, you have chosen the field on which you are going to “play”. Now let's begin to describe the process of self-improvement and its essence.
The essence of self-improvement is to do something better every time.
Suppose that you do yoga (I hope you have decided what). Your goal, for example, is to become more flexible or flexible. This means that your progress is not measured by the number of asanas performed, but by a real increase in flexibility.
It is not enough to do some practice, you need to do it better each time. It is then that we can talk about the process of self-improvement.
Take another example — moral self-improvement. First, it is too broad a concept. You can narrow it down to a specific thing, such as the ability to manage your anger. This means that the process of self-improvement in this matter will be to reduce the number of cases where a person can not control his anger.
If there is no progress, there is no self-improvement. Just because we do something doesn't mean we're getting better.
Self-improvement system
People describe many systems of self-improvement, but in fact there is only one and it consists of seven obvious points:
Time. In order to develop something in yourself you need time. How much it will take depends on the goal.
Knowledge and plan. Without the knowledge of how to do something, it is hardly possible to move at least somewhere, because in order to come somewhere you need to know the direction.
Belief in success. Without faith in success it is impossible to force yourself to do something long enough. People hate doing meaningless things.
Reality. It makes no sense to train something that a person does not have at all. You can't pump a muscle that doesn't exist. This to the issue about different superpowers.
Forward movement. Any self-improvement is possible only if a person does not stand still. Each time you need to do a little more.
Motivation. What are we doing this for?
Self-discipline. A person should be ready to go to the goal through the inability, overcoming possible obstacles.
Another point about which many forget-you need to understand what you're doing and why. Many "gurus" offer to do their disciples utter nonsense, promising them that it will bring them closer to a certain goal. These students would do well to ask their teacher “ " How does it work?”.
The main thing that should be understood in self-improvement-there should be progress. If you do something, and there is no result for more than six months, then most likely you are doing something wrong.
Self-improvement mistakes
There are three main errors:
The main mistake of self-improvement is the lack of a goal, or its wrong setting. The goal should be realistic, clear and straightforward.
The second mistake of self-improvement is the lack of an ideal, or an inadequate ideal. You need to know when to stop. When a person does not know the ideal, he can get into trouble. An excellent illustration is anorexic sufferers who started with self-improvement and ended with self-destruction.
Insufficient effort. Sometimes people set a goal without thinking about whether they can afford to devote enough time to it. Any practice of self-improvement, as a living organism, it needs to be given enough resources, otherwise it will die.