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Why do you need a psychologist?

Many people believe that they themselves can cope with their problems and do not understand why you need a psychologist. People can really solve their problems better than others. But not when we are the problem. The problem is, if we're the problem, it's extremely difficult for a person to understand.

Our mind is an amazing tool. He can analyze complex patterns. But any tool has a limitation — they can not fix the tool itself. Reason is no exception.

Eyes can be see all, except themselves eye(if not use a mirror). Also, the mind can analyze everything except itself. We can evaluate ourselves only after the fact, when everything important has already happened.

At times like this, you need someone else.

Why do we need a psychologist?

Why not ask a friend or relative? You can of course, but the problem is that our friend inevitably has overlapping interests with us, and this automatically introduces a component of uncertainty into a confidential conversation.

First of all, it is a matter of confidentiality. And the problem is not even that a friend can blurt out your secret, but that the person will always remember this and, accordingly, control his sincerity. Everyone wants to look in front of friends in the best light, and therefore will tell them only what is profitable. If other partial information, he to help normally you can't.

The friend will often be afraid to react somehow not so that God forbid not to tell you that you do not want to hear. Even if you need it badly.

Any close acquaintance is an interested party, so his opinion is distorted by interaction with you.

It is for this reason that psychologists have a rule that you can not allow any relationship with the client, except the relationship psychologist-client. This is done primarily in the interests of the client, so that the psychologist could avoid bias and normally perform their work.

The second reason why you need a psychologist is that it is a specially trained person. A man with experience and education. If your car breaks down, then of course you can turn to a friend to help. But it is not to every friend you turn with such a problem? It's someone who can fix cars.

However, when we have personal or family problems, it is unlikely that we will allow a friend to dig deep into them. But unfortunately, if we want to get the result, it is impossible without it.

How can a psychologist help?

There are several areas in which a psychologist can be useful.

First of all, it is correctional work.

When we have some problem in our personality that prevents us from living. Such a problem will not be able to solve neither the person nor his friends, simply because they do not have sufficient qualifications and knowledge for this. Psychologist same (if this man with profile education), can solve the problem quickly and professionally.

These are problems with anxiety, fears, anger, addictions and many others.

The second area of work is psychological diagnostics.

When a person understands that something in his life is not so, but what exactly, can not understand. The psychologist has special methods that allow you to localize the problem. This is achieved with the help of a specially constructed conversation, professional experience, psychodiagnostic techniques and with the help of honed skill of psychological observation.

The third area in which a psychologist can be useful is feedback.

It is important for all of us to have objective information about ourselves, to adjust our own behavior, to know our strengths and weaknesses, to develop as a person. Unfortunately, such objective information is extremely difficult to obtain, because all the people around us have different “relationships” with us, and therefore are not interested in telling us their true impression.

It turns out that the view of ourselves, we make from our own fantasies on the subject of what we should be. This often leads to low or high self-esteem and inadequate representation of their strengths and weaknesses.

A psychologist can help to form a more objective perception of yourself. He will give feedback, will tell about the true feelings concerning your words, actions and in General behavior. Quite often, this information allows a person to make a lot of discoveries about who he is. From myself I will tell that quite often people consider themselves much worse, than they are actually.

When I tell a person about the strengths that I see, it becomes a real revelation. Often people do not use the wonderful tools that they have at their disposal. Negative information about yourself is also very useful to know.

The fourth area of work of the psychologist is listening to the client

Sometimes a client just needs to be heard. Sometimes a person does not need any psychocorrection or feedback, but simply needs someone to listen to him without condemnation, without Intrusive advice on what to do, and also to guarantee confidentiality.

From practice I know that in the process of pronouncing problems, a person often forms their solution. In many ways, thanks to the right question that the psychologist asks, but still he does it himself. The psychologist creates conditions for productive thought of the client.

The fifth direction is running-in together with the psychologist of various models of behavior

It can be anything: practicing persuasion skills before an important meeting, rehearsing an important conversation, and so on. The psychologist in this case acts as an opponent who can point to weaknesses in the client's argument.

This is an extremely useful service.

Here is a brief answer to the question — "Why do you need a psychologist?". This is not a complete list of directions. This can be help in goal-setting, motivation, overcoming adversity, family problems and many other issues. As you can see, a psychologist can be useful to anyone who needs additional information about themselves and how to effectively interact with the world.