Home schooling-sounds very nice. But is it so good in reality? Recently, quite often you can hear dissatisfaction with the education system. Someone is dissatisfied with the exam, someone that clean, combine, add items, someone is dissatisfied with something else. And then some parents decide that they can not trust the child to school and decide to teach him themselves. Today I want to talk about the consequences of this decision.
Of course, every parent wants the best for their child. Someone wants to protect the child from the problems that they themselves faced when they were in school. Others will read some book in which it is written as it is really necessary. Still others come up with their own methods of education. I must say that this should not be done for a number of reasons, which I will now name.
The tasks that the school performs. Whether home schooling to replace the school?
Some parents do not fully understand the role of school in the formation of human personality. The school helps to form several diverse skills. There are at least three of them: the formation of worldview, socialization, the ability to master knowledge.
The Outlook
The state provides free education for a reason, from the breadth of the soul. The state needs people to perform a number of tasks. Accordingly, the state is interested that people have a number of properties that will be needed by the state and as a consequence of society. Among them: loyalty to the state, the right ideological attitudes, the idea of the world and so on.
It may seem that it is impossible for the state to shape the worldview of our children. In fact, this is a false statement. If the state does not do this, it will not turn out a full member of society and as a consequence such a person in the future will simply not be in demand. For this reason, every person, a citizen of the state should have at least an idea of what worldview in society is the main one.
A big misconception is the idea that parents alone are able to give the child a normal worldview. This task is almost impossible to master alone, if we want to get the output of something effective. In truth, the vast majority of people simply do not have the qualifications to do so.
Most of the attitudes that parents are trying to introduce a child, have a source of random books, tips unfamiliar people and other sources are not trustworthy. As a result, the output is a contradictory mess, which is more or less discarded due to the influence of society and school. Only through this are obtained full members of society. Is home schooling capable of forming a worldview? Big question.
At school, the child does not just get knowledge. At school, he is a member of a team in which he learns to interact with other people. It is at school (some start in kindergarten) that people begin to get full social skills. They learn to Express themselves, learn to find their place in the hierarchy, talk to equals, talk to superiors (teachers), learn to obey and subordinate. They learn communication skills, intrigue and God knows what else.
If a child does not go to school, he does not receive the most important life skills. This means that in the future he will lose to other people on all fronts, because he simply will not understand what is happening.
I know a very informative and bitter example. In the early 90's, one mother from a fairly wealthy family decided that her child would receive home schooling and teach it herself. When he was 16 years old he was absolutely unable to communicate with other people. In what way? For example, he did not understand hierarchy at all. He could walk up to some important person and start treating him like his little brother. This is just one moment, but it looked pretty wild.
Everyone perceived him as a strange man who is constantly rude. He probably didn't even realize it. I will not list all his shortcomings, but because of them he could not study at the Institute. As far as I know, only the army was able to bring him back to normal a little bit, although I'm afraid to imagine what he had to go through with this attitude to people. But he was still weird.
So, the child needs socialization. As its can give parents on their own?
Ability to master knowledge
It may not be obvious, but school education is what it is, for a reason. Many specialists, including psychologists, teachers and many other specialists, are involved in the preparation of school curricula.
The education system is deeply thought out a lot of questions: when to teach, how to teach, what a child can understand at a certain age, what knowledge is a priority in modern society, and what is not. All this makes a certain system. Homework, correcting mistakes, and all the other things that annoyed us so much when we were kids-introduced into the school curriculum for a reason.
All these little things are designed to form a child's certain skills and competencies that will be needed in adult life. The education system is not invented by any individual. It is based on scientific research, including psychological.
I will focus only on one skill, which is obtained at the output — the ability to assimilate new information, including independently.
I am not sure that it can be provided by own efforts. Such attempts, unfortunately, have a very negative impact on children.
How to help your child get the best education?
Is the education system perfect? Of course not. There are many disadvantages. But this does not mean that we should take away from the school system its functions. Home schooling is a step back, not forward. I think it makes more sense to Supplement education rather than pull the blanket over yourself.
How to do it? With the simplest methods. To watch how the child learns, to pay attention to failures in education in time, to hire Tutors if necessary, to do, at last, with the child lessons from time to time.
It is important to remember that school is not an enemy to parents, but their ally.