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Path to goal

The path to the goal is not easy, like any path that leads up. It is almost inevitable that on the way up, we have to face many difficulties. It can be both external circumstances and our internal state. But the main thing in this way is not the goal itself, but what we will have to become to achieve it.

If you have already decided what your goal will be, the first thing to understand is that difficulties are good. Difficulties-this is exactly what separates us from the goal and once they are-then we are moving.

Let's look at the path to the goal and the emotional States that we will go through until we achieve success.

1. Invitation

The first thing that appears on the way to the goal is an invitation to start. It's something we're interested in. Something we wanted to make a part of our lives. But this is not just a desire, but also a path, the first outlines of which were drawn in front of us.

At this point, we decide whether or not to go forward. Everything seems simple and clear, and the goal is easily achievable.

2. Enthusiasm

A person begins to make the first effort, he is delighted that he began the journey for his dream. The feeling at this stage is complete satisfaction that the beginning is made. And time it is necessary, success here it, almost in hands!

3. The skin of not killed bear

The enthusiasm reaches a peak. In imagination, man has already achieved everything he dreamed of. Mentally he is beginning to already to think, as he now heals! But unfortunately, a person forgets that he has made only a few small steps, and there are thousands of them ahead.

Of course, the most important thing to start, but that's not all.

4. The first difficulties

There are the first difficulties that a little cool down the ardor of man. The man begins to stumble. He used to walk on a paved road, and now he stepped off it. Begins to lack experience and knowledge.

5. It's not that simple

Comes understanding of, that all not so simply. A person's enthusiasm gets the first big hit. The path to the goal is no longer saturated with such euphoria. Growing irritation.

At this stage, many people drop out to get invited again after a while. Desire is not going anywhere!

6. Persistence

If a person does not throw, he tries to find some support to continue, the enthusiasm is not the same. And man finds support in perseverance. “I decided(and) I will move further on this way!”. Ironically, but this helps and gradually is beginning to to return confidence.

7. Doubt in the case

People learn more about their dreams. She already gets the realistic shape is already noticeable and negative features. It may not be the goal of all these victims? Maybe it's time to quit.

At this stage, a certain number of people are eliminated. But what makes those who remain move forward? Again, perseverance. “If this goal is worthless, then what is?”.

8. Self-doubt

Difficulties grow and then the person thinks that maybe it's him, not the goal? Is he unworthy of that goal? This caustic thought weeds out a lot of people.

But what's holding the others back? And the rest spit on doubts. Perseverance saves them. They do not do it for themselves, they have a mission. What does it matter if a person is worthy? Business is everything.

9. Lack of results

The next obstacle is the lack of visible results. Efforts have already been invested, but there is no return yet. The goal seems as far away as ever. Of course, it's an illusion, actually the target is approaching.

It can be compared to a journey. The halfway path, but a person is not the destination and this point is not even visible on the horizon. It may seem that all in vain! But it's not. The result will not be seen for a long time, but it does not mean that people are on the wrong track. Just haven't passed the critical point yet.

10. Pride in what you've done

It is pride in what one has done that saves one. Yes, the result is not yet visible, but the amount of work is amazing. And this, together with perseverance, gives strength to go further. It's like a marathon. When a person has ran out of power(7 and 8 stages) and the only thing that makes him run is perseverance. As suddenly, becomes a bit easier and is a the second breath.

I want to note that stages 7-10 can be repeated several times, depending on the complexity of the goal. And all the way there will be people who dissuade, say that it will not work.

11. Faith

It's darkest before dawn. Resistance is strongest when we are about to break through circumstances. At this stage, perseverance already grows into faith, when there are doubts all around. This is the moment of hesitation when 99% of the work has already been done. But the resistance and uncertainty are such that you want to give up.

12. Success

Finally comes success. All the work that a person put into achieving the goal begin to bear fruit.

But the main value here is not in achieving the goal, but in the fact that the path itself has changed a person, given the experience of overcoming, which will allow to win in the future.