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Causes of Smoking

The reasons for Smoking lie in our thoughts. Probably every smoker sooner or later wonders why he smokes. Why can't he stop doing what he doesn't want to do anymore? What makes a smoker reverse his decision to quit and start Smoking again? Why can't he control himself?

At the same time he knows that there are people who are free from this passion. There are people who have overcome this craving and become freer and healthier. Which again smell, know how to enjoy life without a cigarette. Who do not feel the urge to smoke and they do not have to overcome themselves to not smoke. It's actually easier than it looks. Ready to learn the secret? What's keeping people hooked? I think that after reading this text you will soon get rid of this unnecessary behavior in your life.

Causes of Smoking that keep on the hook

As with many addictions, the causes of Smoking lie in the false beliefs in our minds. Belief is the algorithm by which our thought moves. On the one hand, beliefs allow us to follow only proven options and this is good, but on the other hand, they are a serious constraint on our freedom of will. Let's look at the beliefs that contribute to the fact that people continue to smoke.

"Quit Smoking hard”

One of the beliefs promoting Smoking is the belief that it is difficult to quit Smoking. It seems like there's no arguing with that. But if you think about it, there is nothing heavy here, just no longer smoke and all.

But this belief creates in us the program that difficulties have to be. When a person begins to quit Smoking, he begins to look for confirmation of this belief. Any possible negative, any malaise he begins to interpret as confirming the fact. As long as a person has this belief in his head, his thought moves along the algorithm of searching for difficulties.

Of course, while throwing a person may experience some discomfort, but it is the belief that it is difficult to quit Smoking, multiply this discomfort in our imagination, attracts our attention to it.

"Smoking helps with stress”

This belief has been disproved by numerous studies. In fact, Smoking does not help with stress. It helps no more than if you beat your fingers on the table for two minutes, that is, in no way. It is not even able to distract a person for a considerable period of time, because the cigarette is smoked very quickly.

What makes smokers think that? The very conviction. Let's look at how this happens. For example, when a person experiences stress, he tries to find some way out of this situation, he needs some kind of program of action. And what does he find? Our false belief that " Smoking helps with stress." After he smoked, he absolutely can not estimate how much it became easier. But he did something, didn't he? Then he concludes that once he has done something, he is relieved, just a little. Thus is faith born.

"Smoking helps to concentrate”

This is another false belief. The mechanism is as follows: when a person needs to concentrate, he lights up. Over time, a person fuses these two actions, he begins to believe that concentration is really somehow connected with Smoking. Why? The thing is, whether we smoke or not, if we try to concentrate, we concentrate. Smoking has nothing to do with it.

If, instead of Smoking, we chose something safer, such as massaging the skull with your fingers, the effect would be the same, that is, no.

"Smoking helps to relax”

This false belief makes it difficult to relax a person without a cigarette. A person believes that only with the help of a cigarette he can rest. The cigarette begins to be a necessary condition of any rest. Whether a person has a break at work, whether he is resting with friends, whether he is on vacation — everywhere he needs to smoke to feel that he is resting.

A person becomes necessary something without which he could do perfectly well. Imagine that you always went to work for free, when suddenly, the road section was seized by bandits and begin to demand from you a fare. With cigarette exactly the same. To have fun, you have to buy what you and so free available.

You can list other reasons why people smoke, but the mechanism is always the same. False beliefs make us think that Smoking gives us something. But it's not. It gives us absolutely nothing and there is no real reason to smoke.

How to get rid of these false beliefs?

All beliefs are something like automatic thoughts. In order to get rid of automatism it takes about 30 days. Moreover, the most difficult are the first 5-7 days. More precisely about how this happens you can read in my other article " a Way to quit Smoking."

I want to say that if you smoke, the process of getting rid of Smoking has already begun. Knowing that Smoking does not give us absolutely nothing, will allow you to make the only right and reasonable decision. Because now you know that the reasons for Smoking lie in your beliefs.