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Business Conversation Basics. Part 3

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The article is subjective and expresses the personal opinion of the author.

Twelve speculative argumentation methods:

1. The technique of exaggeration.

2. The technique of the joke.

3. The technique of using authority.

4. The technique of discrediting the interlocutor. It is based on the rule: if I can not refute the essence of the question, then at least it is necessary to question the identity of the interlocutor.

5. The technique of isolation is based on “pulling out” individual phrases from the speech, isolating them and presenting them in a truncated form so that they have a value opposite to the original one.

6. The technique of changing direction consists in the fact that the interlocutor does not attack your arguments, but proceeds to another question, which essentially has nothing to do with the subject of discussion.

7. Technique of crowding out - the interlocutor does not really go over to any one precisely defined problem, exaggerates the secondary problems taken from your speech.

8. The technique of misleading, is based on the message of confusing information, the words with which the interlocutor casts you.

9. Deferral technique. Its purpose is to create obstacles to the discussion or to drag out it.

10. Appeal technique. It is a particularly dangerous form of “crowding out” the process of reasoning (the interlocutor calls for sympathy).

11. The technique of distortion.

12. The technique of questions-traps. It includes 4 groups:

· reiteration;

· extortion;

· alternative;

· counter questions.

Business Conversation Basics

Phase IV Refutation of the interlocutor’s arguments (neutralization of the interlocutor’s comments)


· persuasiveness of presentation;

· reliability of presentation;

· dispel doubts;

· motives of resistance and point of view.

Why are there comments?

· defensive reaction;

· role playing;

· a different approach;

· disagreement;

· tactical thoughts.

What is the logical structure of the refutation of comments?

· analysis of comments;

· discovery of the true cause;

· choice of tactics;

· method selection;

· prompt refutation of comments.

What techniques are used to neutralize (refutation)?

· links, quotes;

· "boomerang";

· approval + clarification;

· reformulation;

· targeted consent;

· "Elastic defense";

· polling method;

· "Yes ... but ...?"

· warning;

· proof of meaninglessness;

· postponement.

How to handle comments during neutralization?

· localization;

· tone of response;

· open contradiction;

· respect;

· recognition of correctness;

· abstinence in personal evaluations;

· brevity of response;

· avoidance of superiority.

Phase V. Decision Making


summarizing the arguments called and approved by your interlocutor;

neutralization of negative moments in custody;

consolidation and confirmation of what has been achieved;

building bridges for the next conversation.

Some general tips for ending a conversation:

Feel free to contact the interlocutor with the question of whether he agrees with your goal.

Do not be uncertain about the decision phase. If you hesitate at the time of the decision, then do not be surprised if the interlocutor begins to hesitate.

Always leave one strong argument in reserve confirming your thesis, in case the interlocutor begins to hesitate at the time of making the decision.

Use reliable arguments, as it is better if the interlocutor decides now than then.

Do not back down until the interlocutor distinctly repeats “no” several times.

Do not give up at the mercy of the interlocutor until you try all the known methods of forcing.

Follow the behavior of the interlocutor in time to understand that the conversation is coming to an end. End the conversation at the right time.

Having reached the goal, say goodbye to the interlocutor. Once the decision is made, thank the person you are talking to, congratulate him on the smart decision.

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