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Magic pill

The magic pill is what everyone wants. When we face a problem, it is natural that we begin to look for a solution. However, many of us make one serious mistake. Such people believe that everything can be solved at the click of your fingers, you just need to find a "magic way".

Often such clients come to the psychologist. They believe that the psychologist has some “magic”. Usually such client comes with the following installation “ " Well, I came, here to you money, you can make a miracle, but I will do nothing”. The mistake of such a client is that the psychologist can not do something in the mind of a person directly, but can only suggest what should be done to the client.

The work of a psychologist is similar to the work of a call center specialist who tries to help you solve a computer problem. He can't push the buttons for you, but can only ask about the program, draw our attention to some areas, and then on the basis of our words to draw conclusions about the nature of the problem.

People often expect a psychologist to break into your mind and fix it himself. It's impossible, I tell you. Our mind is the most secure fortress. The other person can do as much in it as you allow. And the effectiveness of the psychologist depends on how a person with a psychologist honest.

But humans are strange creatures. Often they try to hide the problem, although they came to solve it. This greatly complicates and lengthens the correction process. Imagine that you have come to a car mechanic and try to lead him away from the localization of the known problem. For a psychologist, such work is routine.

An experienced psychologist already feels the situation when it is trying to lead away from the problem and makes an amendment, seeking from the client truthful answers, not allowing himself to be distracted.

Magic pill and charlatans

What is a “magic pill"? This is when a person wants some problem that can only be solved by himself, decided by other people. Or when he realizes that the problem is unsolvable, but he continues to think that there is a solution, it is just hidden from the majority.

There are people who are happy to do business on such erroneous thinking. Such "specialists" are everywhere: from magicians and psychics, continuing with various business coaches and ending with sectarians.

Should such a person learn to get along with people. But it is necessary to learn, to strive, to overcome yourself... Hard as that. And then he gets an idea! And can his (its), moreover, jinxed?! Maybe we should go to a magician or a psychic. Comes man to mage, and the and says: “Yes, long such a evil eye not saw. But nothing! You're lucky to have a mage as strong as me."Then he moves his hands, mumbles at the icon, spits on the cross and says:" Barely removed! Fuhh! 30000 you see for yourself how much effort spent.”

After that, the person leaves, thinking that the problem is solved. But the problem is not solved, because he just staged a performance, created a sense of”illusion of movement". The problem is compounded by the fact that after such a "presentation“, people begin to interpret any events in favor of the fact that the” magic pill" worked.

In the worst case, a person becomes dependent on a charlatan who constantly comes up with various “astral” diseases and treats a person for money.

The problem is compounded by the fact that in addition to magicians and psychics, there are other charlatans who pretend to be psychologists. Often they do not even have education. Such scams discredit many professions: from psychologists and sociologists to doctors.


On a similar principle work and various sect. Mechanism recruitment new members have them the next. They find a person with some unsolved life problem, often young (it is natural for young people to have a lot of problems), and then tell him or her that it is all because he believes in God wrong or adheres to the wrong concept of the world.

All the same, that and with mages. A person is offered a "magic pill" that will solve all problems. You just have to pray, like the sect leader says.

In addition, sects offer other easy solutions. Is it hard to pay rent? Move to our commune (and live there like a bum). No profession? It does not matter, we do not need smart, you will collect donations from the subway. No friends? We are all brothers (lie). No spouse? In sects, this is often considered a superstition.


People are often victims of their own laziness. Instead of real solutions to problems, people are trying to find a "magic pill" and people who will do everything for them. And find those who are ready to profit at their expense.

Let's better tune in to a constant and thoughtful work on yourself.