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Autumn depression

Before talking about any depression, it is necessary to clarify that depression is a psychiatric diagnosis. Depression is associated with a violation of the biochemistry of the brain, namely the wrong ratio of neurotransmitters (these are special substances in the brain). To make it clear what it is, I will say that depression is when a person does not sleep for weeks, does not eat, does not talk, often cries, i.e. this is a very serious condition.

Therefore, if a person does not have a confirmed psychiatric diagnosis, it is premature to talk about depression.

When people talk about depression, they usually understand the term a little different. A little low mood, drowsiness, dissatisfaction with their lives, that is, Philistine understanding of this phenomenon. It is about this depression and will be discussed in this article.

Where does autumn “depression”come from?

Before talking about the autumn depression, it is necessary to talk about what precedes it. Of course, autumn is preceded by summer. It's a great time when life is full of impressions. Summer is often good weather, warm, long daylight hours, holidays, fresh fruit, relaxed people.

Suddenly autumn comes and all of these positive points go one by one. We subjectively and unconsciously feel that life is getting worse and worse. Those problems from which we were distracted by the sun, again come to the fore. Many commercial organizations have fewer orders and money, students and schoolchildren start a new school year and so on. In short, in the autumn we have to go back to real life, and people it brings some displeasure.

To this is added the restructuring of the body due to changes in weather and day length. In particular, in the autumn quite often jumps atmospheric pressure, which affects most people who become sleepy and do not feel too good at all. The length of the day affects the production of the same neurotransmitters (but not as dramatically as in this depression), which can not but affect our mental health.

In short, depression in autumn is associated with an objective change in the world in a more severe direction. The world is getting grayer, it's getting rainy, there are more responsibilities, people are spending less time outdoors. Of course, many find such changes positive aspects, but most of them do not suffer seasonal depression, rather on the contrary, they enjoy their “fertile times”.

How to overcome the autumn "depression"?

As already mentioned above, the main cause of autumn depression is the feeling that life is getting worse. And when we think so, our body decides that we do not survive well enough, which means that we should reduce the content of any "hormones of joy", so that we do not relax and have already begun to somehow correct the situation for the better.

Let's do it! If we need to stop moping, we need to try to change our subjective perception of reality for the better. The easiest way to do this is to increase the intensity of social contacts. Meet your friends more often and spend more time with your loved ones. We need to do it against our will to sit at home and wrap ourselves in a blanket.

If you are burdened by the weather, try to liven up your home. Buy home flowers, hang bright curtains, start home improvement. All this creates a subjective positive dynamic. We begin to feel that life is getting better, and when things improve, Philistine depression simply has no place.

But the most important thing is to spend more time with loved ones, because our sense of fullness of life depends on the relationship with them. Communicate more often and hug — that's the main cure for spleen.

Is it possible to escape from problems? Many people, instead of solving problems, try to ignore them. Here and accumulate these problems, starting to occupy most of life. When, finally, they accumulate so much that it is impossible to ignore them, a person begins to look for a way out. He finds, of course, the most, as it seems to him, easy-to escape!

It seems to a person that since the problems are concentrated in this city, family or at this job, the way out is to move, leave the family, change jobs. In fact, this is certainly not the case.

The fact is that the critical situation that has developed around a person is not so much due to circumstances as the inability to solve everyday problems. This means that if a person escapes, he takes away his superpower to accumulate problems. So soon, on the new place, he gets the same bunch of problems.

To this is added the fact that not all problems can be escaped, many of them come with us. Another negative point is that with this attitude to life, each new place will be worse than the previous one.

Why there is an accumulation of problems?

The first reason is that a person is not capable of systematic work.

Life, for the most part, consists of cyclic events. If we can make creative efforts in each cycle, then our life goes uphill. If not, then every cycle we accumulate problems.

The ability to work systematically is a skill, a habit-call it what you want. At first it is hard, but then it becomes easier and soon the person begins to feel uncomfortable, if not done cyclic work.

The same is the case if a person, instead of working, prefers to watch TV. Very soon it becomes a habit and a person is uncomfortable to break this habit.

But the funny thing is that I very much doubt that watching TV is much nicer than working. It's the people sitting some false belief, and we gradually move on to the next item.

The second reason is that a person believes that there is an easy activity and a heavy one.

This is one of the biggest misconceptions in our lives. In fact, for our body there is little difference what we do during the day. Most of the energy a person spends not on movement or mental work, but simply to maintain life.

If you lie down on the bed and just sleep — you spend 1500 calories a day. Day same need for an active man about 2,200 calories. This means that all our work we spend some minuscule.

On the physical level, there is little difference between hard and hard. For a man in the street, anyway. So the only difference is in our mind.

Do you know the secret of the most successful and productive people in the world? They find it easy what they do. Just like that. They only believe that they can.

What am I getting at? To what for moreover, to look TV, need to involve not much less forces, than on the, to earn money. It's just about what we think is easy.

The third reason is despondency.

Where does depression come from? From disbelief in their forces. Where does it come from? From our sad experience.

If a person has already escaped from problems several times, he ceases to believe that he is able to overcome himself and clear up the debris in his life. By this he sets himself a voluntary restriction. Thus, escaping, we drive ourselves further into the quagmire of problems.

Thus, to run away from problems-it is fatal for the person. Problems need to be solved.

How to solve problems?

Problems are solved in the same way as they accumulate — a little bit. It is unlikely that it will be possible to sort out in a day that accumulated for months. Need regular daily labor.

Do not try to change your whole life with a magic wand in one day, otherwise you will be disappointed. We must remember that everything in our life is done smoothly and gradually.

The best way to escape from problems is to solve them.