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Escape from yourself

When a tangle of problems accumulates, there is often a temptation to give up everything and run away to where they do not exist, to start life with a clean slate. Sometimes it is really justified and is the only way to cut the tangle of problems, but in most cases it is a serious mistake.

Let's imagine the average person, let's call him Vasya. Vasya has a lot of problems, like most people. He does not have enough money, family relationships are not as we would like, not a particularly good job. And at some point, Vasily realizes that improvements are not expected, that life will pass, and he never urvet your piece of happiness. And then he starts looking for a way out.

He begins to come up with a place where he is good, where he is rich and respected, where it is always warm, do not have to work and everything is perfect. Then he begins to think, why is he not in this wonderful place and begins to invent reasons.

Someone blames the government, someone the place where he lives, someone close, someone the monetary system, and someone generally believes that all to blame aliens. Thinks that he needs something to fight and used as cannon fodder. And he does not realize that the only factor that unites all this is himself.

Escape to another place

People are not too prone to difficult decisions. So they often choose something as simple as possible. By the amount of physical effort it can be very difficult, but it can be just at the level of choice. I mean physically moving to another place.

Of course this is not always bad, for example, when a person decides to move to a larger city, country, looking for more opportunities. Such a move is an attempt at growth. Another thing is when a person, having lost the competition in one place, expects that he will be happier in another, more peaceful.

Such a person thinks that he would be much better off in the village, in the woods, in Goa.

And then a person begins to dream. Dream about how to escape to this blessed place where all the problems will disappear. Quite often a person is limited to this, running away from problems only in their fantasies. But sometimes it happens that a person decides to really escape. And now, being in the place where he expected to be happy, he (she) discovers that only the form has changed, and the problems remain the same.

Sometimes this phenomenon is expressed in flight from family or from relations. Such a person always runs away as soon as faced with difficulties. Constantly looking for his fantastic situation where he or she don't owe anyone anything, and only continually showered with gifts and benefits. But every year such a person has less to offer in return.

Why is this happening? Why does a person run away from difficulties? The fact is that a person does not understand that he is running not from difficulties, but from his fear and laziness. It's like running away from an exam. First the relief that we don't have to overdo it, and then life again poses the same question to us.

Flight in thought

Sometimes a person has no way to escape physically and then he tries to escape in his mind. The easiest option is when the person simply ignores the problem. He tries not to think about her.

But people are not stupid and gradually they begin to overcome anxiety, because they understand that something must be done. Then there may be another trick. Man runs into imaginary worlds: in books, in movies and TV series, in computer games. There man is clear. It's a different context. Someone is trying to escape from reality and all the time sleeping.

Someone this lack, and someone there is no. Then people find an even easier way to escape-alcohol, drugs and other addictions. With them, they try to disconnect and forget about the life in which they have to do something.

That's why addictions are so poorly treated. It's not the withdrawal pangs and hangovers, but the fact that when a person becomes sober, he sees with all clarity how many problems he has accumulated and what he or she has done with his or her life. And then man wants again in oblivion. Run from themselves.

Current output

Often, trying to escape from difficulties, a person runs to even more severe problems. Why? Because of fears and limiting beliefs.

Such beliefs include, for example, the idea that “problem Solving is hard.” But this is the essence of life! If you don't solve problems in life, you solve them in a computer game or in a dream. Whatever a person does, he must make decisions and adjust everything around him. It is our essence and the only way to live.

You can't run away, you can just change the context, the scenery. Wherever a person is: in Goa, in the village, in a computer game, immersed in a film, in an alcoholic frenzy — a person is still alone.

Therefore, the only way out is to work on yourself. At the same time you can do anything, the main thing is not to run. To do this, you should always ask yourself the question “ " Am I doing this out of strength or weakness?”. If from weakness, you run. May the force be with you!