Greetings my dear reader!
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I really hope that my stories will help you escape from the problems and immerse yourself in the wonderful world of my fantasies.
Two days later, Snowball and her puppies came to the city. At first she decided to visit her old goose friend Boris.
He lived on the outskirts of the city near the small lake of Ferest de Liu, there were always crowds of geese because of delicious fish.
- Boris ... Boris! - called Snowball.
Then out of nowhere, a white fat goose fell right on the face of a she-wolf.
- Mimi! My dear!!
“Boris, my friend, how are you?”
“Yes, everything is fine, Mimi.” Where were you, my dear, here it was without you ...
“Boris, I want to introduce you to my puppies,” Snezhka said as if not paying attention. - This is Ketty and Kepri, and this gray wolf cub Balto ...
- Wait ... wait ... PUPPY ?! Mimi gave birth to a wolf! Have you even thought about the consequences ?!
“Boris, stop ... I beg you not to talk about wolves anymore ...”
“What's the matter, Mimi?”
“Then I'll tell you, and now I need to go to the owners.” To Mrs. and Mr. Waster.
“Okay, honey, go your way.” You know where to find me.
By evening, Snowball came to Vaster’s house. She lazily sat on the porch and began to wait for the owners. Puppies snuggled closer to their mother. Toward night, Mr. Waster returned from work.
Snow with a joyful but fake bark met the owner.
- Mimi! Where are you from ?! ”
Mr. Waster asked, but then looking at the porch, he knew where to make his dog. - Come, Mimi, let's go home.
The she-wolf only dutifully wagged her tail and followed the master. Mr. Waster opened the door and Snowball with the puppies entered the house.
So home life has returned again. Previously, it seemed like a wonderful paradise to Snezhka, now she began to resemble a prison.
Bright summer, full of flowers and butterflies. Beauty, what can I say. Then near Snezhka a silvery silhouette flickered, which incidentally took the white she-wolf off its paws.
“What are you doing, Homework has become?” - a familiar voice was heard. “Get up or are you not happy with me?”
—Rons? Is that ... is that you?
“Of course, dear,” said Rons. Snow ran to her husband in an instant, and the two wolves tenderly wiped their heads.
- I missed you so much!!! - whispered Snowball
- I, too!
Then Snow was woken by a ray of sun. The children were still sleeping. In the kitchen I heard the familiar rustling of a bag.
Snowball yawned lazily and began to rustle.
Next to the fridge was a bowl of balls. At first, Snow did not want to eat such food, but she had to. The she-wolf had too much hunger.
The hostess smiled warmly and amiably stroked Snezhka. At first, the she-wolf wanted to bite, but gritted her teeth and smiled fake too.
“Oh you are my, Mimi, my little dog!” Mrs. Waster cooed and put a collar on the she-wolf. Then Mr. Waster came, but not alone, but with some kind of person.
“Honey, hold the dog, I have to show Mr. Fairond some.”
Snow immediately understood the hint of Mr. Waster. She wanted to run to the puppies, but Mrs. Waster held the wolf tight. Then the puppy's cheekbone sounded and Snezhka immediately realized what was happening.
And finally, making a sharp jerk, she escaped from the hands of the mistress, and furiously attacked the man, biting his hand. The puppy instantly jumped out of the hands of a stranger and ran to his mother.
Only Mr. Waster wanted to take another, as Snowball growled viciously.
“Oh, you evil dog. Said Mr. Waster through gritted teeth. - I apologize for the hostility, I will take care of this dog.
“Before, you would have been friendly.”
“I’ll take care of this dog today.” And as for the puppy, will you take him?
— Let's see Mr. Waster
“Let me treat the wound?”
-Yes of course.
While the door was open, Snezhka quickly ran out into the street and howled loudly.
Boris swam peacefully in the lake until he heard a sad howl.
“We must urgently help Mimi.” - Boris decided and trudged on his webbed feet.
How many times he had to rescue this white dog, especially in childhood.
Now it will fall into a ditch, then it will almost drown in a lake, it is better not to remember what was in adolescence, in a word, horror. Even worse than in childhood. Boris regretted many times that she was not a puppy.
Mr. Waster brought Snowball into the barn.
Then, having closed the castle, he retired. Snezhka herself was firmly attached and could not escape. She felt that her death was approaching and therefore called for Boris.
“Ah, you are my little dog,” came a familiar voice.
“Boris, Boris, I ask you to listen to me carefully.” I know what will happen to me. Mr. Waster is already preparing a shotgun, and so I want to ask for one thing.
You see, once I fell in love with a wolf. He turned out to be a prince in the clan and the father of my puppies. His name was Rons. He died fighting a bear, and therefore there is no one left except you.
-What?! Do you want to leave me with these three puppies ?!
“Boris, I just ask you to look after them.” Watch them as if you were their own father. Take them to the ship and grow them. Especially look after Balto. He is so much like his father and so worried about him.
Tear after tear swept Boris. He did not want to show Mimi's tears.
Then Mr. Waster came. There was a gun in his hands. He quickly walked in and shut the door behind him. Then a shot and hundreds of crows took to the air.
Everything was clear. There was silence after the shot. And only at night, like the silhouette of a white she-wolf, shone in the starry sky.
At this time, First, the leader of the MacFetre clan emerged from the den. He first noticed Snowball and howled so that everyone could hear.
Run, Run, Snowball, Run
In the starry sky you pass
You go to Lupus through the sky
And thank Skaard for that
Everyone is waiting for you, both husband and father,
And Mother and sister that past
Died in the fall
Go bold
But don't look down
Otherwise you will go astray ...
Boris gently pressed his wing puppy. Tomorrow they need to find litter, and food.
“Poor orphans ...” Boris thought and went to bed.
... to be continued...
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