Apex Legends has every chance of becoming the best first-person shooter. Today it is affordable and anyone can join the battle for free. The developers of the game were guys from the American company Respawn Entertainment diy. There was no loud advertising campaign; the shooter burst into the market. The project manager is Drew McCoy, and not much information is known about him. However, judging by the quality of the shooter, everything is done honestly. The free-to-play system justifies itself once again. It’s better to give people the opportunity to evaluate the game for free, then they can buy various chips if they wish. Specifically, in this shooter we are talking about this: paid heroes, unique trophies, stunning weapons, comfortable clothes for characters.
Since a large number of people immediately went to the server, it is important to objectively evaluate it (a joke of course) and consider all areas: characters, graphics, gameplay, interface, locations.
Main menu
All the time in sight the image of the protagonist with a signed nickname. Additionally, the level of pumping is displayed. In the upper area of the screen, you can find out the amount of game gold, if any. Below you can go to the server, view contacts or configure the game. From the main menu, you are offered to undergo training or immediately go to death.
Pros: no extra icons; character in the center; bright button for battle readiness; hero nickname is displayed.
Cons: a small game settings icon; not the best background.
At the beginning of the battle, it is proposed to determine the settings. The player is able to activate and deactivate some functions: forward movement; fast run; bounce; tackle while running; sit down. Once in the dash, you first need to replenish the arsenal. Not far from the place of deployment there is a hefty capsule, where very useful things are provided: first-aid kit; small incendiary grenade; shrapnel gift for enemies.
Additionally there is a capsule with a firearm: automatic carbine; submachine gun; semi-automatic pistol.
The player is allowed to shoot at various targets, some of them are small and moving. Nearby there are racks and you can take other firearms. During the training, various tasks are performed: Mark weapons. Go to the menu. Mark location on the map. Select ammunition.
To quickly give commands to the boobies of your squad, it is recommended to use hot keys: Busy with video surveillance. I'm going to go. Enemies are close. Gathering the booty. Let’s go forward.
The dash presents a small platform on which you can move freely. First of all, it is proposed to evaluate the sensitivity of the mouse. From the platform, if desired, it is easy to jump and run next to the targets, a friend will be able to shoot. To ensure that the player does not get bored, a friendly robot appears, reporting on a new task - to reanimate the doll. Everything is done with one click, lasting about 3 seconds. To save time, it is allowed to use flying drones, which are also able to replenish health.
Pros: all functions are considered in detail; shooting range is an open area; there is a funny robot.
Cons: The learning process is delayed.
When the training is over, you can test your strength in the royal battle. Being in the landing ship, the player descends to the terrain, it is important to follow a friend. You can land anywhere. A card is open in front of the player, so places with ammunition are selected. In total, 20 units can be in the location. In order not to be bored, and no one would sit out at the base, the ministry periodically takes place, and you have to move to the center of the location. This increases the chance of players to meet, start to clatter each other. In such a turbulent environment, it is important to stick together. Already at the first narrowing of the ring, the number of units may decrease (weak links disappear).
Detecting the enemy is not so difficult. When they start shooting at you, the direction of fire (tracer) is clearly visible. Rapidly tear down the opponents' Bosch will not work, the characters have some kind of armor. However, on the server there are people with different skills and youngsters can be destroyed easily. The presence of portals is another feature of the game. From one point to another, you can move in seconds. Such important objects are displayed on the map, many brave fighters with guns are waiting for your arrival. However, the ring narrows and you have to move.
To explore a new place, you can share with a partner, agreeing on this in advance. The game does not make sense to sit in one place, it is better to look for new weapons and track opponents. Death can overtake all of a sudden, here the tactics of height advantage work perfectly. If the player is gape and left without a head, do not hang up the nose, everyone has the right to recovery. This happens after the character is selected. Next, the player again awaits a combat landing from the ship.
Pros: the gameplay is very peppy; character recovery does not take much time; a huge amount of weapons is available; there is an opportunity to explore new places; the ability to select a character during recovery.
Cons: skirmish sometimes ends quickly; until the narrowing of the ring to find enemies is problematic; a huge amount of weapons makes you distract from the task; as in other shooters, the ambush rats win.
In the battle royale mode, only one map is available, but it is huge. During the landing, the player is able to get acquainted with its attractions: Location of the lighthouse. The presence of a ship with supplies. Hot zones. Discarded Supplies.
On the map it is allowed to leave marks, remove them. If you need to consider something, you can zoom in on the picture. The map consists of different sectors that are of strategic interest: A huge airbase. Central market. Artillery warehouse. Bridges. Dam power station. Creepy swamps.
In one location there are many places that are not similar to each other. Aerial view, this is an island in the middle of the ocean. The developers focused on a variety of buildings. Objects do not look sleek, scuffs are visible in places, ruin is observed. There are places with a lot of shelter and open areas are provided. Some buildings are not single-level, it is allowed to climb the roof or cross floors.
The sandy beach looks unusual, the developers decided to install many decorative elements for visual enjoyment. So, in the middle of the map is a hefty skeleton of a monster. The houses in the village are a symbiosis of a poor African area and an advanced hacker center. Everywhere visible wires, appliances. Bright things are billboards, they are located everywhere - on houses, in the mountains, in the sky. However, when studying the terrain, nothing distracts the player, there is a complete balance.
Pros: variety of places; the presence of unusual objects (skeletons, balloons); safe places are marked (these are capsules with weapons, etc.); it is possible to descend from buildings on a cable.
Cons: no tall buildings.
During the game, many different things are shown: Mini map. Characters. Special abilities. Armament. The presence of units.
If you look at the map, it looks compact and it’s easy to see the features of the location on it. The character is also shown where he is directed. The most important objects are marked with a special marker. With the help of the selection, the boundaries of the game circle are visible. Under the map, you can track the time until the next round, when there is a narrowing of the circle. Available functions are displayed in the center of the screen. If you approach the door, for example, there will be a hint that it can be opened. Additionally, the mark indicator is always visible and there are icons of squad members.
If you look at the characters, their health is displayed, a sound indicator. The icon of the main character is more advanced. There is a protection icon, there is a strip of accessibility. The right side of the screen is reserved for weapons. It has an icon of edged weapons, grenades and ammunition. In the upper area of the screen is a window with the number of killed enemies. You can find out information about the remaining units and the number of surviving people is highlighted. In the upper right corner, all messages of the squad members are visible. A scale with degrees is shown in this area, and perhaps this is the most useless element in the game.
Pros: legible card; there is nothing superfluous in armament; teams of squad members are clearly visible; health of comrades is shown.
Cons: useless degree scale; a large number of indicators that distract attention.
To date, the game Apex Legends has every chance to become the best multiplayer shooter. The developers did a great job, the servers are full of people and gamers are delighted with the game. No bugs were found, and most importantly, people can play for free.
Common advantages: a variety of characters; decent graphics; fun gameplay; the availability of weapons and uniforms; intuitive controls; the ability to purchase additional items (weapons, clothes).
Cons: large locations, the scrum can be delayed.