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Traveling in South America. To be continued ...


1. Buenos Aires. Here we want to celebrate my birthday. And that, I think, is a very suitable place.

Believe me, six months ago, BA was for me a city in which tango is dancing at every intersection. On this all my knowledge ended.

But a huge "research" work was carried out and I already love this city in absentia. And I know where the best empanadas with 200 years of history are sold, where the locals go, when you want choripan and that provoleta is grilled cheese, which is served as a snack in front of the divine steak in the right parrillas.

And I already dream of how I will drink morning coffee and nibble my first alfajore (such a round cookie with a filling inside, sprinkled with chocolate or something else). And all without exception - desserts, ice cream, alfahors - order with dulce le leche (something like caramel, as I understand it :))

I also want to see Recoleta - the famous cemetery, the city of tombs, where the place stands as a small apartment.

And the Sunday flea market and antique shops in San Telmo (where we will live, by the way)

And a collection of Latin American art at the MALBA Museum

And also look into the famous Casa Rosado - the "pink house" and the residence of the President of Argentina in combination. And to see the balcony from which Eva Peron made her fiery speeches.

Well, a bright patch of Caminito with funny colorful houses in the sullen port area of ​​La Boca.

And the most beautiful bookstore in the world.

And just wander, wander the streets of a new unknown city, absorb new smells, unknown speech, architecture, read obscure signs and try unfamiliar dishes.

The list with the most fashionable cafes and restaurants in Palermo has already been compiled, by the way :)

I hope that in a week we will walk around Buenos Aeros, because in Argentina there is so much more waiting for us.

For example, the Puerto Moreno Glacier has long been on my list.

-And Iguazu Falls. I have not been impressed by waterfalls for a long time - but this one, I think, will be unforgettable.

- And the Lake District of Bariloche.

- The desert roads of Patagonia with such views.

-Go to the track at the Torres del Paine National Park in Chile.

-Look at the colored houses of the Chilean Valparaiso.

-Go down to the very bottom of Argentina and visit the Land of the Earth, in the mysterious and cold Ushuaia.

And then there is Mendoza, a province in Argentina that produces the best Argentinean Malbec wine. There you can take a bicycle and drive around the surroundings, to local wineries, where hospitable hosts await you with tasting tours.

In general, as the first studies showed, in Argentina there is so much that is enough for a couple of years of travel.

2. When we finally decide to leave there, we will go to Bolivia.

Yeah, alpine La Paz, Uyuni solonchak, the so-called death road ....

3. We will not be able to drive past Peru and finally see Machu Picchu with our own eyes. It seems to me that everyone except me has already seen this lost Inca city.

And then there is Cuzco and Lima, and many small non-tourist towns that we simply must visit. And, of course, we really want to see the Amazon and go on a trip to the jungle for two or three days.

4. Colombia for me is still generally a clean slate, without any tourist expectations and prejudices. But I already dream of Cartagena with its colonial facades and small courtyards.

And about the crazy beauty neo-Gothic cathedral of Las Lajas.

Well, the beaches of the Caribbean coast too :)

 And soooooooo !!!!

5. In Venezuela, we are waiting for the ascent to my Roraima. Table Mountain from Conan Doyle's The Lost World.

And the second impressive waterfall on our trip is Angel.

To finish our big journey we plan on the Margarita island and fly to Kiev from the capital of Venezuela - Caracas. He is notorious for his criminality, but I hope everything will work out and I believe in the best.

So, in short, the plans for the next six months look like. And this post is my Inspiration board of this journey.

Standing on the threshold of fulfilling another dream is very exciting. I try to get all expectations out of my head and enjoy the moment, new countries and discoveries. I don’t know how it will be, what kind of people will meet on our way, whether we will find a place where, like in Bali or Nepal, we would like to return again and again, and which of these countries we will later want to show you as part of our hen parties.

 As usual, I will try not to compare (and this is the hardest thing when I have already seen a lot of things) and not to give estimates, but simply to accept all these countries and new cultures as they are.
