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The secret of longevity is no secret

At all times, mankind has sought the secret of longevity and eternal life.

After analyzing the recommendations of doctors and scientists, as well as statistics among centenarians, we can safely draw the following conclusions:

Among centenarians, residents of Turkey, Serbia, Georgia, France, as well as other mountain residents predominate. Record holders for the number of centenarians Japan and residents of the United States.

According to scientists, among the Mediterranean and the mountain population, the whole thing is climate, the presence of a large number of fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as the mountainous terrain, which allows you to constantly stay in good shape, overcoming ups and downs.

As for Japan, it’s all about the nutrition features. Centenarians have some things in common. For example, almost none of them are overweight. Obesity increases the load on the heart and increases the risk of arterial sclerosis. In youth, it is important to ensure a fairly high calorie intake, but after 60 years, you should monitor calorie intake and exclude animal fat from the diet, which contains a large amount of cholesterol.

The United States cannot boast of calm and measured life, there are enough nerves and poor nutrition, but in general the level of medicine and life is very high. That allows you to maintain health and mind in good condition for many years.

Of course, you cannot rule out genetics, if you had long-livers in your family, then you can well repeat their record. However, even in the absence of such a genetic feature, you can maximize your life and at the same time remain in your right mind and physical form.

As for the opinions of doctors and scientists, everyone unanimously believes that:

You need to follow a healthy diet from youth!

Fast food, high-calorie snacks, too salty will quickly reward you with overweight and obesity.

Accustom to proper nutrition is from childhood. Keep in mind that children learn from their parents' eating habits.

Try to eat more vegetables and fruits, preferably seasonal. Use the plate rule.

Remember: saturated as well as trans fats are your enemies. Use balanced oils from monounsaturated fats and omega 3.6 acids. It is better if your food is of vegetable origin, dietary poultry and low-fat dairy products are also suitable. But when cooking corn, sunflower, peanut butter is better not to use at all.

Enrich your diet with foods that contain omega-3 acids. You should eat fish or other seafood at least once a week! If you don’t like fish, drink fish oil, or take special supplements. Despite the usefulness, tuna and mackerel should be on your table as little as possible (these varieties can accumulate polychlorinated biphenyls, mercury and other no less harmful substances). “Pure” is considered cod, pollock, haddock, salmon.

Eat less sugar; ideally, you should give it up. It is already contained in many products in sufficient quantities.

Remember that excess sugar is obesity, diabetes, thinning of the walls of blood vessels, thick blood and, ultimately, a stroke, at any age.

Moderate drinking is acceptable

The opinion of many experts: if they are used in moderation (in terms of alcohol from 9 to 36 ml per day) - this is normal. Of course, the rule does not work during pregnancy or driving a car. Red wine contains such antioxidants, thanks to which you can reduce the risk of personally knowing what Parkinson's disease is.

Have a medical examination and specialized examinations every 1-3 years

Even if nothing bothers you, it is necessary to do this in order to identify hidden diseases at the initial stage.

Down stress

Do not depend on the opinions of others! The most destructive activity for nerve cells and the brain is worries about how others think of you, attempts to meet someone’s expectations, attempts to prove something to someone or justify. Just abstract away! Even you don’t owe it to your family. Your life is only yours and no one else has power over it!

Work in pleasure! How to achieve this, read in the previous article - "work in pleasure. Is it possible?".

Find time for a day of complete relaxation. It can be a bath, meditation, reading a book, etc.

Increase physical activity

There are no exceptions for age categories! Daily walks will improve health, will not let you get fat. And daily aerobics, energetic half-hour walking will significantly improve your health.

Minimize contact with chemicals

Toxic chemicals can trap you at work and at home. Pesticides can trigger diabetes or Alzheimer's disease, and they (a proven fact) lead to dementia. Avoid solvents and lead in dyes for painting houses. Use green building materials.

Do not reduce social activity if you are already old and especially when you retire

By regularly interacting with others, you reduce the risk of getting senile dementia. Meet with relatives as often as possible, communicate more with neighbors, etc.

Train your brain

To preserve the sobriety of the mind in old age, the brain, like the body, needs constant training. Solve charades and crosswords, solve logic problems and play chess.