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Earnings on the Internet without investments and with investments. Part 1

So let's go!

Method number 1. Making money online at Copywriting Making money at copywriting

Earnings on copywriting

Copywriting Exchanges: Advego, Etxt

Write articles on any topic that you understand, or write good rewrites, and sell on the Advego and Etxt exchanges. You can also write articles to order here. The price for a kilo sign depending on your experience and literacy is from 30 to 100 rubles. SEO articles are valued higher.

Channel on: Yandex Zen, How easy is it?

Here you can write articles on any topic and earn on impressions and clicks on ads that are automatically inserted into the article. On average, 1000 readings on Zen and 1000 views on KakProsto.ru are estimated at 50 rubles.

Paid reviews: Otzovik, IRecommend

You can earn extra penny by writing a few reviews on these sites. It will be possible to get a lot of vryatli, but enough for a phone or Internet. If you choose the right topic, then a higher income is possible, since they pay here for the number of views.

Own website / blog

You can write articles and reviews on your own website or blog. To make them profitable, you can connect the site to the advertising network Yandex or Google. Those. Your site will run ads and revenue will be accrued for clicks and views.

Simply connecting ads is not enough. Someone needs to watch it, and for this, write good SEO articles! When articles appear on the first pages of a search, people will start coming to your site. You can add all kinds of promotion methods to this, for example, you can make reposts of articles on social networks on Bosslike for free. Complete simple tasks and get points that you can spend on your promotion. And if you need fast promotion, you can buy the right amount of points at a low price. The more points you buy, the more profitable your advertising company.

More details on copywriting earnings were considered here - “how to earn copywriting from 1000 rubles per day?”

Method number 2. Earnings on the Internet at advertising exchanges

Earnings on the advertising exchange

If you have your own group in social networks, an Instagram page or blog, your website / blog, a channel on an information platform such as Yandex Zen, etc., then you can monetize them using advertising exchanges. On such exchanges, advertisers offer you for money to place an advertising article, post, an overview of their products and services, and you can offer your site in response. Here are a few advertising exchanges:

VK VK, SocPublik, SeoSprint, Official VK Exchange, Sociate, Blog, Rotapost.

Method number 3. Earnings on the Internet by selling links

Earnings on the sale of links

Earnings on the sale of links

In addition to advertising posts, you can sell eternal links on special exchanges (one of the most popular platforms is miralinks.ru). Such links help sites to rise in search. You will not need to look for buyers and deal with accommodation, this is done on the machine resource.

Payment is possible automatically and manually. Income will depend on the following factors:

the position of the site in the search results and the number of pages;

the presence of external links;


TIC and PR;

Is there a resource in the directories DMOZ and Yandex.

If your site meets all the requirements, then in a month you will be able to earn very decently. By the way, you can tighten up your site to participate in such exchanges, you can also!

To understand how much you can get, here's an example:

one link even from a small site can be sold for 200-500 rubles. More or less promoted sites, quite well, can earn 2,000-7,000 rubles. on just one link. Highly visited sites and 100,000 rubles, and this is not the limit! Interesting fact. The information site depils.com has a traffic of 1400 visitors / day, and earns about 24 thousand rubles / month on links!