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Adventures in invisible world. Part 1


       Man lives in two worlds. One world is visible, perceived through the eyes and hearing. The second world is invisible, perceived intuitively: through sensations, through insights, through telepathy, when one thought comes immediately to two interlocutors. The invisible world is well felt by young children. People live unconsciously in it. Conscious life in an invisible world is like a spiritualistic session. Spirit is a spirit. Conscious life in the spirit is life in the invisible world. It turns out this life can be very interesting. If you adapt to this life, it will be interesting, exciting and adventure. First of all, it is necessary to be very patient in order to organically enter the life of the invisible world.

  1. Next, you should introduce your own rules for communicating with the invisible world. Everyone who wants to communicate in an invisible world will follow these rules, since the desire for such communication is hypertrophied there. The dark forces of the invisible world create a special obstacle in this communication, but they also humble their strength when they understand the charm of a man who courageously decided to communicate with the invisible world. The most entertaining thing about these adventures is the hypertrophic perception of life. The number of people who want to communicate with a person in two worlds exceeds all conceivable limits. From this terrible excitement around 12 o’clock in the afternoon. The noosphere at this time is especially active. At night, she falls asleep and rest comes from communication, which can be very tiring and take a lot of strength. A hypertrophic perception of life allows you to get the most out of humor, which is completely different there than among people. There is a common expression: “If there were no humor, the world would have turned upside down.” Only there can be humor in the most unusual situations of the invisible world, which are unpredictable in such unusual communication. The joy of life surpasses everything; as well as sadness. The perception of art is extraordinary. A child outdoors on a winter day, beautifully dressed in white snow, causes a storm of delight.

2.  Reflection of the invisible world occurs in the visible world. The visible world is filled with the invisible imperceptibly for him. The concept of God can be learned through the knowledge of the invisible world. God, the invisible world, begins to speak with a small child when he gains the ability to speak in the time of development. Therefore, it is so funny to watch how young children speak. Children begin to perceive the world through sight and hearing, and their first understanding of it is still very naive; they own a small number of words and therefore express themselves amusingly, and sometimes very wisely, since their consciousness is not yet clouded by an excess of knowledge about the world. At the same time, God is intelligent and expresses himself through the child intelligently, giving, prophet, to his parents his valuable instruction, which they have not thought about yet because of their small parental age. The child does not realize that the invisible world speaks through him; he perceives speech as his own, without asking such questions to himself due to small concepts of life. An adult becomes accustomed to the state of the child to perceive his speech as individual. He absolutely does not understand that everything, literally everything, through him the subtle world speaks. Thinking about it and understanding it helps attitude to the words of parasites. A person must block these words of his speech, since this is the presence of the invisible world in its imperfection. The imperfection of the invisible world comes from the fact that we all gradually move into the invisible world, and, without developing our speech in life, we distort the speech of those who live in the visible world. The nature of foul language is the same. These two worlds exist with mutual penetration of one into another through speech, through desires, through deeds, through laughter, through tears and through all that makes up a rational and emotional life of a person.

     The concept of God is a mystery to man, as well as his speech, his ability to think, his memory, his will and his actions. God is the Creator of the entire visible world, and the secret of creativity and inspiration is hidden from man. Any creativity is the tension of the invisible world manifested in a creative person through his excitement, sometimes transcendental, but realized gives an excellent result. The concept of God becomes transparent, understandable, and accessible if one assimilates this amount of knowledge accumulated by humanity about this and listens to the prophets and those who have achieved this during life, without expecting a transition to the invisible world. Communication with God was closed very gradually over many millennia of the development of man and society. It was closed because their negative behavioral reactions became harder and more diverse; and the mind hid the invisible world from man, so that he remained virgin pure longer and gave hope for the purity of his sincere manifestations in his first life. Man always begins life with a clean slate, which is very gradually filled with knowledge about life.

To be continued