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“One week - one skill”: how to teach a child everything in the world

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The article is subjective and expresses the personal opinion of the author.

Of course, parents are not able to completely replace the education system. And they spend a little time with their child, and they have little energy in the evening, and on the weekend they do not want to think about studying. And without rest, a person will not last long. Therefore, the approach should be completely different.

Perhaps this approach will be the principle of training in Japanese kindergartens: “One week - one skill” (one week - one skill). Moreover, it is about useful skills and abilities that are used in everyday life, and not about knowledge.

If you apply it in your family, then for an hour and a half of free time in the evenings you can significantly supplement and improve the education of your children.

Recently, there was news on the subject in the media. 24-year-old San Francisco programmer Max Deutsch made a list of skills for the year that he wanted to master. He assigned exactly one month to each of them, and no more than two hours a day. He was going to study only on the way to work and a little after work. Yes, a month is not a week. But he set himself incredible tasks.

  1. Be able to remember the order of the deck of cards in less than two minutes.
  2. Draw a realistic self portrait.
  3. Collect a Rubik's Cube in 20 seconds.
  4. Make a back flip from a place.
  5. Play a five-minute makeshift blues guitar.
  6. Conduct a 30-minute Hebrew conversation about future technologies.
  7. Develop a self-driving car.
  8. Develop absolute pitch - identify 20 random notes in a row.
  9. Solve the Saturday New York Times crossword puzzle in one sitting (and it’s very difficult).
  10. Pull yourself up 40 times.
  11. Continuously read freestyle rap for three minutes.
  12. Defeat world champion Magnus Carlsen in chess.

It usually takes years of hard training to learn such skills. However, he concentrated on only one task - and succeeded. Oddly enough, the most difficult thing was guessing the crossword puzzle. He spent the most time on this skill - 46 hours of training. And, frankly, he lost to Magnus Carlsen in chess, albeit with dignity (before that he played at a very amateur level). The astonished world champion agreed to a rematch.

Are you impressed? I am.

The main advantage of this method is its concentration on practical skills, and most importantly, on the final and rather quick result.

When a Japanese baby leaves the kindergarten, he has a couple of hundred skills in his luggage! And all of them are useful and applicable.

Tie shoelaces and sew buttons, make sushi and flower arrangement, hold chopsticks and a brush for writing hieroglyphs ... He knows how to do it. And this is the real result.

Unlike our schools and universities, where training often consists of memorizing gigabytes of information. Only in some schools the methods of project management are actively used (obtaining results in a fixed time), in others the “process approach” won. And study becomes eternal and ineffective ... I believe that kindergarten is now winning school and university in the effectiveness of education.

Now admit, can you say what exactly a graduate with four in Russian can do? Compose a business letter, prepare an advertisement, write a motivational essay on a grant or an article promoting your product or service? Absolutely incomprehensible.

I’m sure that diplomas and certificates in the future will contain a list of not subjects, namely skills. Otherwise, this document is about nothing - a cat in a poke.

So what to teach? What skills to master? There can be many approaches. You can follow the path of a programmer from San Francisco: do what you really want to do. You can apply the "utility method" - which is definitely useful in life or career. You can develop creative skills or skills for your hobby. You can sports or culinary. And you can choose only those that will definitely surprise friends and yourself.

There are no boundaries, except for one small condition. One well-defined skill in one week. Here is an example of how to better formulate the goal and how not to do it:

  • Do it yourself grandmother with a New Year card. Instead of "congratulate grandmother."
  • Make a fruit or milk shake of your own recipe over the weekend. Relatives put it after tasting. But the wording “learn to cook” is not suitable, not specific.
  • Play the piano (even toy) the melody "Grasshopper sat in the grass." Instead of "learn to play the piano."
  • Swim the breaststroke 15 meters. Instead of learning to swim.
  • To process the "wound" on the arm and bandage it with a bandage. Especially, of course, you should not do a wound for this.
  • Prepare five slides of a PowerPoint presentation on the dangers of smoking and show the smoking buddy.
  • Write an ad for the sale of an old bike that is gathering dust in a garage.

And so on.

It is important that the goal is concrete and useful. The benefit is determined by the student. The main thing is that in the process of its implementation, the child or adult himself will find the answers on how to do this. And he did it himself. Although delicately helping him in this is possible, and sometimes necessary.

Now they write a lot that education is becoming continuous and about the professions of the future. Among them are also called the profession of a mentor - a specialist who will help to study: gently, unobtrusively (in a dialogue) and with an exact purpose. Among its functions is the ability to correctly formulate task-skills to achieve a large goal (dream), and also to inspire a student. They say that a mentor will largely replace a teacher. And in some places in the world this is already happening.

Unusual? Yes, like everything new. But it’s relevant, and most importantly - the mentor’s approach is better accepted by the students themselves. The only question is whether parents and schools are ready for the new role of teacher. Are you ready?

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