Greetings my dear reader!
Make yourself at home.
I really hope that my stories will help you escape from the problems and immerse yourself in the wonderful world of my fantasies.
My story is dedicated to the events that will happen in the future with the characters of the cartoon Anastasia.
Chapter 1
What is difficult for the average Russian person to get used to is the fact that the winter in Picardy is milder and there is almost no snow there. Of course, most often it is cloudy and sometimes it drizzles.
But that day the sun was shining brightly, only rare crumbs-clouds covered it and even these moments were so swift that no one noticed it. Although there were those who still looked at them and they were dizzy.
Not only from the fact that these blond-haired horses were racing at a frantic speed, but from the fact that an understanding came of how fleeting time was.
Because of this light, but at the same time, incredibly complex thought, it was breathtaking.
However, not everyone reasoned like that. In the quiet, peaceful town of Granville, in a beautiful Victorian-style mansion that was neat and even like a dollhouse, one young man was very nervous, and minutes passed for him like whole hours.
He sat on a chair next to the room, the doors to which were closed from the inside, and behind which came muffled sounds.
He periodically glanced at his wristwatch and again became convinced that only four minutes had passed since his last time check.
The young man sometimes lowered, then raised his light brown eyes, whispered something, nervously jerked his knee, sometimes he jumped up from his place, as if he had fallen without force into the same chair.
- Dmitry, my boy, calm down. Everything will be all right, you needlessly worry, - tired of the sudden movements that loomed before your eyes and very tired, said a man of about forty or fifty.
He himself was quite nervous enough, but, like a former nobleman, tried not to show his experiences.
- You don’t understand, Vladimir, - Dmitry answered hoarsely. - She was so weak lately: she could barely stand on her feet and ate little.
- Vladimir, you could understand his excessive excitement.
A woman with short blond hair and perky, shining eyes, reproached the man. - till, not every day you become a father.
- Yes, unfortunately, I cannot understand this. - Muttered the former nobleman under his potato nose and frowned slightly.
However, at the same time his face smoothed, his eyes became warmer, and his lips, which were slightly visible from under his thick mustache, were blurred with a gentle smile. But, nevertheless, it is so beautiful when a new child is born.
- I have to agree with that. - The woman snapped, giggling tenderly and dabbing the corners of her eyes with a pale pink handkerchief. - Ah, how did she grow up. I remember her so tiny ... Well, I mean, then I couldn’t see the process of growing up! Nevertheless, I managed to escape and thought that ...
“Sophie, darling, we understand you.” Vladimir interrupted the chatterbox, clutching her chubby fingers in his big hand.
This ended the conversation. A deathly silence fell. Each of those present thought of his own.
Vladimir Voynitsky reflected on how it feels to be a father; his beloved wife Sophie was still wiping her tears and recalling the past; Dmitry was already afraid that this day would never come to an end, and no one would ever let him into this damn room. In the end, the young man gritted his teeth and jumped up, intending to knock out this obstacle that prevented him from seeing, hearing, learning what was happening there.
- I can’t do that anymore. - He repeated with a fuse. Vladimir also got up from his seat and, very gently holding his friend by the shoulders, as he could, stopped him.
- Be patient, Dmitry. Soon it will all be over. - These words influenced it somehow in two ways.
He intended to free himself from Voynitsky’s embrace and start banging on the door, but common sense still insisted that this would lead to nothing good. Therefore, he only humbly lowered his eyes, but at that very instant there was a cry from the children, from which Dmitry immediately directed his gaze to the door, and a nurse appeared in the opening.
She let out a tired but contented smile that she could enter.
The young man without hesitation rushed into the room, which was flooded with bright light. His heart was beating so fast that it felt like it was accelerating and was about to fly out of the chest.
- Hold on, Monsieur. Only carefully. He was handed a bundle of a yellow sheet in which a baby was wrapped, still crying.
- Well, well, it’s full of crying. - Dmitry said gently to the baby, who, as soon as he saw his father’s face, already stopped crying, but only looked at it with interest with his large brown eyes.
The young man smiled at his baby and, looking up, looked at his wife, who silently with a smile on her worn face looked at this very picture.
- Is she beautiful, really? - Anastasia cooed. The young father immediately went to the bed of a young mother.
She seemed to him such a heroine at that moment, in spite of such a shabby appearance: some hairs of her bangs stuck to her forehead due to sweat, and the rest of her red curls were disheveled and scattered all over the pillow.
- She is the best, our Katyusha. - Dmitry answered, smiling, sitting down on the edge of the bed closer to his wife. He kissed the top of her head. -You are so smart.
- I was glad to try. - Anastasia told him with a grin.
It was a happy December day for all members of this noble family. For them, today the sun shone brighter than usual, the wind rustled more melodically, and the air was softer and warmer. Only now, no one noticed the titmouse that was beating through the window of the room.
... to be continued...
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