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The joke, as the girl walked in the Park, and the patrol wondered why without a muzzle

Go to the Park lane girl — beautiful, modern, stylish, chic... well, unmarried. Goes to itself, and leads walks on a leash dog. She looked small and vulnerable.

However, as soon as it pricked up his skis one of the young men who was sitting on a Park bench and drank from cans of lemonade for uncles, the dog suddenly growled.. Yes, so menacing and terrible that the guy got scared and renounced the idea to hook up with the beauty.

It became clear why around the girl within a radius of the length of the dog's leash plus a couple of meters there was no one.

And the girl is happy, cheerful and happy. For confident, she's crazy about yourself, your favorite!

A Park police patrol is moving toward them: a man and a woman, clad in the uniform of the guardians of order and virtue and wearing the office expressions of the gears of the state machine.

They spotted this girl with this dog a long time ago. And they're clearly unhappy with what they've seen.

When they were almost level with a stylish girl with a dog on a leash, the man in the form of strictly and officially asked:

- Girl, and why without a muzzle?

The girl moved a supple thin shoulder, turned her head to the guardian of the order, shook her Golden curls, fluttered her eyelashes and answered:

"Why the muzzle?" I don't bite! And the certificate from the doctor is that I do not suffer from rabies...