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Owning a small business that revolves around the written word can be taxing at times. But whether your dream is to open a consulting firm, an editing business, or organize several of your freelancing friends into a professional consortium, at the end of the day you know it will be worth the stress. In a creative field, not only do you have the pressure of juggling creativity and business during day-to-day operations, but you also have to worry about all the things that are outside of your control. For instance, while you can take all possible steps to reduce the likelihood that you’ll run into legal issues with your creative business, it is almost an unavoidable truth that at some point you’ll have to obtain legal services.
From independent startups to collaborations with big business, legal resources and services are a modern necessity. You’ll want a good lawyer on your side while developing your idea into a fully fledged business, but you’ll also want one for any unexpected hiccups that might occur later. Even self-sufficient entrepreneurial powerhouses will never be able to do everything on their own completely. That’s why it’s important to be aware of the various legal services that are available to you — so that when you need it, you’ll know exactly where to turn.
Considerations When Outsourcing Legal Services
Business law can be a difficult maze to navigate, which is why you should learn as much as you can about who you can turn to when you need legal services. If you find the right person, maybe they’ll even help you learn a new skill like writing legal briefs. When starting up your LLC, corporation, or partnership, you’ll want a knowledgeable lawyer on your side to help you make sure that everything is good to go before you begin work proper. Legal services also come into play when protecting your business from liability, financing your business with limited resources, and eventually the day-to-day IT issues that you’ll face once your business is up and running.
Choosing a legal IT services partner doesn’t have to be a chore if you know exactly what you’re looking for in an outsourced service. You’ll want to seek out a partner who has the capability to manage your entire IT infrastructure so that you don’t have to hire multiple specialists just to meet the needs of your writing team. They should be well-versed in cybersecurity to help in preventing any malicious attacks on your data. Additionally, you’ll want a legal IT services partner that has a comprehensive disaster recovery plan in place, in the event that a worst-case scenario plays out where you would have otherwise lost valuable data.
Finding a good attorney, lawyer, or legal services partner early on when starting a business is extremely beneficial. They can assist with a wide variety of issues like basic zoning compliance, formal business incorporation, copyright and trademark advice, and general lawsuits and liability issues. Obtaining legal services before you run into trouble is paramount to success, because if you’re already being sued, it’s generally too late to turn the ship around. Staying ahead of any legal trouble is highly beneficial.
Affordability Considerations
Hiring in-house, full-time legal professionals can be a serious drain on your business’ budget. Yes, having access to legal services when you need them is incredibly important. However, the fact is that you are not likely to need these services every day out of the year. Because of this, legal process outsourcing, or LPO, can be a huge boon to your bottom line in the long run. LPO gives you access to emerging technology and trained professionals while also remaining cost-efficient and flexible.
If you’re not interested in sending your legal service jobs overseas entirely, companies like LegalZoom provide affordable legal services to businesses in need in the U.S. These types of companies were founded on the principle that all businesses, big or small, should have the ability to access legal services in their time of need without breaking the bank. Perfect for creative-types. Not only is it far more cost-effective than hiring on a full-time legal professional, but it also gives your business 24-hour access to the legal services that you need. When issues pop up, you’ll be able to tackle them head on and only pay for what you actually use.
Going online for your legal needs isn’t a stretch of the imagination when you really consider it. After all, many businesses already rely heavily on various online tools to assist them in many different aspects of business management. Email management, calendar scheduling, network guidance, document sharing, project management, and accounting tools are all present online and trusted widely, so taking the leap and outsourcing for your legal services isn’t exactly wading into uncharted waters.
Keeping It All Organized
While some people swear by traditional methods for storing important legal and business documents, preferring the security of a physical copy of their data over a digital copy, there are plenty of benefits to organizing your files electronically. Digitally organized files increase productivity as they are more easily accessible when needed. They also prepare a business to embrace a fully mobile work environment. Additionally, digital file management improves overall information management for a company and can help a business comply with record retention requirements.
Optimizing your document storage and record-keeping systems makes keeping track of important legal documents a breeze. Optimization helps you keep your file organization clearly defined and also helps you to purge any unnecessary or unimportant documents that would otherwise cause clutter. Keeping your files digitally also means that they’re easier to move off-site, and if there is any sort of natural disaster, the likelihood that they will be lost is significantly reduced.
Appropriate and effective organization is just one of the many important entrepreneurial skills any burgeoning business needs at its disposal. Another, as any writer could tell you, is learning how to take feedback and grow from your mistakes. If you’re having a hard time keeping your data organized, don’t beat yourself up, just do better going forward. By ensuring that all of your data is easily tracked down and managed, you’ll be able to deal with any unfortunate legal issues you may run into much more easily. Your legal team will appreciate the ability to quickly and easily find any pertinent information that may be the saving grace for your company in any particular court battle.
All in all, a savvy literary business owner will always try to stay ahead of the curve when it comes to legal services. Whether you’re outsourcing completely or relying on pay-as-you-need legal services, technology is quickly changing to meet your business needs. Everything from data storage to legal representation is now at your fingertips online, and now that you know exactly where to look, you can be prepared for anything down the road.
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