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The article is subjective and expresses the personal opinion of the author.
You can often hear that the choice of "where to go to study" after school is almost the most crucial step in life. Like, all further life is determined by this. These big words are already so imposed that young people cause severe rejection.
It is interesting to listen to various success gurus who broadcast that success in life (money, career, resulting prosperity and generally an easy way up) develops if there are only a few factors (separately, and better, of course, together):
- good education (this is for a strong middle class);
- the ability to be in the right place at the right time and not miss your chance;
- communication (hello to networking);
- successful marriage;
- the right place of work or a favorite job;
- character (never give up) and entrepreneurial spirit;
- luck.
That, in fact, is all. I don’t know about you, but I was directly saddened by such a modest choice. Well, what we have, then we have. Let’s better decompose these factors into the possible choice of an ordinary graduate and his parents. Where to go to study? What is worth choosing to climb a step or two up?
1. Talent
If you or your child has a clear talent for something, then it is definitely worth going along this profile. And to go to the best educational institution possible, no matter how far it is from your home. It doesn’t matter what talent: math, biology, music or badminton. At the same time ask for and even fight for grants and benefits. Do not be shy, torn to the top.
2. Advanced education
For middle-aged parents, as a rule, parents try to calculate which direction is more promising, “profitable”. Remember, with what lust rushed to study at the "lawyers" and "economists"? Then there were so many of them - good and different - that these specialties were somewhat “blown away”, others were in short supply. For example, a good engineer is in great demand now. It’s hard to learn just “a good engineer”. There are at least three areas where everything is good for almost everyone who got there and reached the diploma: oil industry, civil service and IT. There are no surprises.
3. Communication
It's time to say about the "connection" and "be in the right place." If we continue training about personnel in the oil and gas sector, I think everyone understands that, for example, the Gubkin Institute is “welcome to a good life,” everything converges: a decent education, a promising industry, and therefore a place of work, and communication. If you look more broadly, then moving to study from a village or a small town to a big one, and from a big one to a metropolis is almost always a step up a step in terms of opportunities to increase social well-being. But this only works if the child will study there, and not go along the curve path.
4. The right place and favorite thing
Everything is simple with your favorite business: in any specialty there are a couple of educational institutions that “forge the elite” in their direction. There it is worth striving. Someone forges for the whole country, someone for the region. Focusing on opportunities and ambitions, decide what to swipe at.
If we talk about the “right place of work”, thinking for several years ahead, it is better to go to study where, from the third year, there is definitely where to go for an internship for real experience. If there are no such programs in your specialty where you want to go to study, then you should think: do you make the right choice?
5. Character
One must speak about character with a separation from parental care and guardianship. Parents, scary? No doubt. How did yesterday’s schoolchild, whom you forced to do homework, turn into a confident adult who can overcome difficulties himself and solve problems? On the other hand, why something to flog a fever, not everyone fits this path immediately after school. Someone needs to slow down so that he does not break the firewood, someone needs time to grow up. There is a risk of missing the moment when the chick needs to be pushed out of the nest so that it flies.
There is a simple test for attitude to the search, a hint at the choice of “go or stay in the parental home”. Ask a graduate child: you need to meet (find) a person close in spirit to you, which way you will choose: sit quietly on the shore and wait until he appears in your life, or actively seek him (move) around the world ? By the answer it will be clear that his character is closer. Oddly enough, it is precisely to those who "will sit quietly on the shore" and need to leave to study at the most promising educational institution, because there he will catch his luck faster, "sitting quietly" than at home, without fish. Anyone who aims to move will quickly move where necessary, having checked and realized that "there is nothing to catch here."
The choice of education is really a “fateful business”, which means that you should fight for the best option possible, try to jump above your head, especially if the child is talented and active. Connections and true friendship are most strongly tied precisely in youth, which means that the environment with whom you have to study has no less importance in your choice than the chosen specialty, therefore it’s worth going for the environment and connections. Character and entrepreneurial spirit are not tempered under the parental wing. The best chance to achieve a dream is to take your life to a high level. Higher than what parents have reached.
The choice is yours, and good luck!
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