The Pipe family - their representatives are "amphibians" - is translated from Greek as two-life. While studying zoology at school, we learned that toads and frogs have two habitats at once. But there is a genus of Pipe Frogs, which is divided into four genera and 16 species, which live in the "fish" environment. It is an interesting fact - the representatives of this family quietly tolerate dirty ponds, which have little oxygen, but in the aquarium can not bear even a small concentration of chlorine.
Varieties for aquarium content
- Frogs of the Pipe Frog almost never come out of the water. Thanks to this way of existence, these frogs have no eyelid in front of their eyes, there was atrophied tongue and eardrum in the ear, swimming membranes have become large on the hind legs, and in some species, they appeared on the front.
Aquarium content is suitable for sporza frogs. Small pips and gimenochiruses are practically not found in realization, and they are very expensive. Sports from frogs have powerful, developed rear extremities. On fingers, there are sharp black claws, three millimeters long. The second name of these frogs is clawed. These claws help frogs not only to protect themselves from predators but also to stay on the stems of algae, as the movement of water can wash them away. The front extremities do not have membranes on their fingers and are very short. The body of this frog is 13 cm long. The small flathead and muzzle are short and slightly flattened, with eyes facing up.
Of the several species, the aquarium kept only a smooth, sporty frog. It should be noted that in nature these frogs practically do not climb out on land, only in times of drought, when it is necessary to leave the dried-up reservoir, but in any case, they do not know how to eat on land.
- Another frog kept in aquariums is the Bettger's Hymenochirus. The length of this frog is 4 cm, with skin covered with small grains. These frogs have eardrums on their front legs, which makes them great and fast swimmers.
- The other is Pipa corvalhoi. They live in very muddy reservoirs, where the bottoms are dug out to breathe air and immediately dive into the water column.
Water frogs, of course, look good in an aquarium, but their coloring is very pale and monotonous. There is an albino frog, which was bred in the laboratory, and immediately gained great popularity among the population.
How to arrange a house for a frog?
These pets are not very demanding to live in. A three-liter can is enough for small frogs, but of course, it is better to keep them in a twenty-liter aquarium. It is worth making them a quiet corner, where they will hide. Frogs dig with pleasure in the ground at the bottom and very heavily pollute the water with waste.
The minus of the sporza frogs is the predatory habits and the large size of the frogs. Fish should not be kept with them, as they are eaten by frogs. This applies, however, only to small fish. It is better not to keep frogs with big fish, as they can disturb frogs. When keeping this kind of frogs you should close the top of the aquarium, as they are very high jumping. They can usually jump out of the aquarium at night and die of drying up. Covering the top of the aquarium is better with a net so that there is free access to air.
It is better to have small particles or gravel instead of sand in the aquarium, as these frogs dig the ground and look for food, and if there is sand at the bottom of the aquarium, you will have to clean the tank very often, as it makes the water very cloudy and dirty. Although this does not confuse the frogs in any way. They only tolerate the film on the surface of the water poorly, as it prevents them from swallowing air when floating.
Aquarium plants with frogs should be powerful and with strong stems. There should also be a large root system that has to be covered with stones, otherwise, the frogs will dig them up. Frogs also tolerate empty aquariums, as long as there are a few pebbles and bowls in which the frogs will hide.
Than to feed frogs and how to avoid obesity
Frogs are predators. Feeding should be done in a way that fits in the mouth and stomach. It is good to feed with moths, earthworms and tadpoles. It is better not to give a trumpet, as it can cause poisoning. It is good to feed low-fat meat, sliced in thin pieces. You can also pour dry food: gamuses and daphnia.
Feeding should be careful, as they eat a lot, greedily and quickly get thicker. Feed is shoved with the front limbs into the mouth. Obesity is very dangerous for frogs. You have to feed them once every three days. If you notice some signs of obesity, you should put the frog on a diet, i.e. not feed it for two weeks.