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Triton's content in the total aquarium


If you decide to buy an exotic pet like Triton, you need to be aware of its content. How does he get along with other inhabitants of the aquarium, what are the features of nutrition and temperature conditions?

The pet shops will either not inform you or may provide you with incorrect information about the content. One store can tell you that he doesn't live with his aquarium neighbors, while the other can make fun of eating the same food as the rest of the fish.

So, who are the Tritons - the tailed amphibians, but so began to be called and water representatives apparently similar to amphibian friends. Externally, they resemble small dinosaurs or lizards. There are many varieties of Tritons, these representatives have different colors and shapes.

Not all Tritons are suitable for keeping with fish. Spanish Triton is the most suitable option for it, it does not need to create an exit to land, it floats out and breathes the air in the right amount, but if there is a chance to build an exit you can do it.

The Spanish Triton is not brightly colored, it's grey with a whitish abdomen, but despite its unattractiveness to watch it is a pleasure. He is quite a lively inhabitant, often floats up behind the air, pressing small feet to the body, freezes in bizarre poses. Looking at how he stops, the children's game "the sea worries once... the sea figure on the spot of frost" is remembered.

What conditions should be in the aquarium

Neighbors of the Spanish Triton should not be aggressive species of fish: Cichlids, Barbuses, Labeo, Tetradon, such cohabitants will drive the Triton throughout the aquarium, not giving him a rest while biting and wounding him. The Tritons have a remarkable regeneration of organs and tissues, even if the evil fish eat his limbs, they will grow quickly, but still do not mock his belly.

The aquarium should be large enough to hold more than 15 liters of water per Triton, and the water temperature should not exceed 22°C, so if you keep heat-loving fish, this is not your option. If the temperature rises above 22°C, the animal gets burned, swollen and dies, it's hard to save it, and it's better not to hold it for long. In order to maintain the temperature, you can cool the water with frozen plastic bottles in the fridge.

Spanish Triton breathes skin, that's why access to land is not necessary, but a good filter and aeration of water is very important.

Tritonchiki half-blind, so you may not see the presence of sharp edges in the snags or shells and sharp movements will hurt themselves against them, so remove all sharp and dangerous objects. If it is planned to breed Tritons, there should be vegetation with wide leaves, as caring parents wrap their eggs in leaves, but breeding will be almost impossible with other inhabitants, usually, fish eat hidden in the leaves of caviar.

Water in the aquarium in the presence of a tailed dinosaur will be polluted faster than usual, so watch out for regular water changes, the best option - daily about 10-15 percent of the total water volume.

Feeding the Spanish Triton

The best option is to stab a piece of meat (chicken and fish fillets, beef, liver, shrimp, squid) on the needle and slip it under the nose. Feed him until he turns his back on the treat you've offered, he looks like a keg. Meat is enough to feed the Triton once a week, it is digested and assimilated for a long time.

Another option is the usual fish food (butterfly, strawberry), but the problem is the blindness of the pet and the fact that he has enough moving food, so there is a chance that until he finds food for himself, all the fish will be snatched and our dinosaur will remain hungry.

If the fish are small enough and carelessly swim past the nose of a hungry pet, he may grab such a prey, so make sure that it is always full.

Dry feeds for the Tritons are also sold, but as experience has shown, this animal is not interested in this kind of food.

After a while, depending on the purity of the water in the aquarium, Triton will begin to climb up, do not be afraid - it is a natural and even useful process. As already mentioned, the Tritons breathe through the skin, so when the skin ducts are clogged, coarse and dead, the top layer slacks like snakes. This process often involves and fish, carefully biting the remains of dead tissue on the body, do not need to drive them away, it is a so-called natural symbiosis.

Having such a bizarre pet, you will get a lot of pleasure watching him, he is much more interesting than the fish without doing sniffing back and forth, and believe me, you will smile or even laugh at his frozen poses.