The desire to have a four-legged friend has been intrinsic to us since we were kids. "Dog is a friend of a human being" - this phrase is familiar to everyone. And yet, if you have an animal, you need to have a clear idea of what kind of concerns you will have before you. At the same time, you should choose a breed that would not only please you but also make your dog comfortable in your conditions. If he needs to run a lot, as, for example, a breed of Russian greyhounds, therefore, you have to do it. Therefore, when buying a dog, be sure to get acquainted with this breed, learn more about it and love it.
Room breed papillon
One of the breeds that are becoming quite popular in the city is the little papillon dog. It is a kind of spaniel breed. Their vibrant character and desire to bring joy to the owner created popularity of this breed among many royal dynasties, starting from the XIV century. These dogs are depicted in paintings by Goya, Rubens, Velazquez, and other prominent world artists.
The appearance of the papillon
Weighs no more than four kilograms. Has clever dark eyes. And standing, highly planted ears have a fringe, which swings while running the dog. Therefore, it was called a butterfly ("papillon" from the French language). She throws her fluffy ponytail on her back, opening her woolen paws.
Your pet's temper
This breed of dog is quite clever and easy to train, ideal for the city, although it is quite rare. He's very friendly, able to be friends even with babies, almost never bites, only can growl. But when walking with her outdoors, be careful: she can bark at big dogs. So, hiding your fear of them. Therefore, in such a situation it is better to carry her in your arms because it is unknown how aggressively another animal will behave.
For those who like home-educated pets, papillon is just a gift. A dog can go to the toilet in special diapers at home. Diapers are purchased in a pet shop and have a waterproof bottom. During the day, one is enough. It needs to be placed in a certain place, and the papillon will learn how to go there. But at least once a day you will have to go out because the big need is on the street.
It is not recommended to walk without a leash, as it is fast enough and can run out on the road. On cold days, it should be worn (jacket or jumpsuit), as it does not like and poorly tolerate the cold.
Specialists recommend that these dogs be fed with special dry food. It is balanced in terms of vitamins and other substances. But this dog loves human food very much, and it may be difficult to refuse it. Cheese, vegetables, and fruit will be his favorite treats. Looking at her "begging" eyes and such a clever and funny face, do not notice how a piece of carrot will crunch on her teeth. But the main thing is, don't overdo it if you want to keep her healthy.
A house for the papillon
How every animal in the house should have its place. It is advisable to get your dog used to it at once. It may be a certain angle or a spacious cage. Or maybe your dog will live in a small dog house that you will buy for your pet. The main thing is that where he'll be sleeping, he'll have a warm and soft bedding. But your funny dog may try to win the right to sleep at your feet and often they succeed. Not everyone can refuse such a charm.
Long live soap fragrant!
Hygiene is a guarantee of health not only for your pet but also for yours. Therefore, after a walk, if necessary, it is necessary to wash your feet, always with warm water. Such dogs need to be washed as soon as they are dirty and with certain shampoo for dogs. After the water treatment, wrap it in a terry towel and cover it up. A hairdryer is not recommended to avoid damaging his beautiful coat. As a rule, Papias is not against water procedures. In order to preserve the beauty of the wool, you need a metal comb and brush. As a rule, they always comb your pet when they come back from a walk, especially the ears and tail.
What about the offspring?
Breeding breeds are engaged in experts. This is due to the fact that childbirth at home can be dangerous, as the dogs themselves are very small. So if you have a bitch, try to protect her from a mating.
Holiday with your pet
You don't have to break up with your pet on vacation. Thanks to its low weight, you can even take it to the cabin. Of course, you'll need to put your dog in a special basket or carrying bag. Also, keep your dog in your arms. When traveling in transport, they put on a dog diaper so they won't get in trouble. And no matter how you travel, it is essential that you have the appropriate documents in the veterinary services.