The history of sausage stretches back to ancient times, covering many European and oriental cuisines. Everything started with mixing minced meat or whole pieces with a lot of spices and salt and placing this mixture in the intestines of cows, rams or pigs. The meat in the shell was kept in the shade. Smoking was practiced before sausage products even appeared. Packed portions of minced meat were dried over the smoke and filled with the aroma of logs. Smoke scared off the insects. Thus, the shelf life of a meal increased.
To create sausages already in ancient Rome, different types of meat were used: beef, pork, lamb, poultry and even dolphin meat, fish and seafood. At that time, the product was widely popular and its production reached industrial scale. Roman traditions can be traced back to Italian, French and other European cuisines. In addition to various types of meat, other ways of cooking - boiling, smoking, and so on. The product has gained the greatest popularity in Austria and Germany. These countries are leaders in the sausage trade in terms of variety of recipes and forms. We are grateful to the Germans for sausages, wieners, bathing suits, spikats and other sausages.
When sausage appeared
The first product information dates back to 500 B.C. This method of meat preparation is mentioned in the Babylonian and Chinese texts. The recipe was also known to the ancient Greeks. But this does not mean that sausage products appeared in Greece. In Homer's time, it was customary to write down all the new knowledge on paper. It is for this reason that the Greeks are attributed the authorship of many recipes. Most likely, sausage appeared much earlier among the peoples who do not own writing. The recipe was brought to Greece, from where it began to spread to Rome and other countries. It is mistakenly believed that sausage was brought to Russia as a European innovation in the times of Peter I, but references to this product can be found in birch-bark Novgorod letters of the 12th century, as well as in Domostroi (16th century).
It is easier to say when sausages appeared.
Austrians and Germans gave the world a variety of sausage products. Sausage products were very popular in Vienna and Frankfurt am Main. These two cities contest the first place in sausage invention.
In Frankfurt sausages have been made since the Middle Ages, but it was in Vienna at the beginning of the 19th century that the recipe of beef and pork was invented, which formed the basis of modern sausages.
Who invented sausage
The recipe for meat in the intestine is the result of the need to keep it as long as possible suitable for eating. Due to the hot climate, fresh food quickly deteriorated. Drying and drying increased the shelf life of the meat and made it tastier. These dishes were used for long hikes, including military hikes.
The name of the person who called sausage sausage "sausage" remains unknown. The reason for this is the long history of the product, dating back to ancient times. Sources could have been lost, or the name itself. But the name of the person who invented the sausage recipe is known, and his biography partly explains the confusion in the homeland of the product. Johann Georg Laner, the inventor of sausages, was born in Frankfurt am Main in 1772, where he acquired the necessary knowledge in sausage art.
After that, he moved to Vienna, where he began to actively produce and distribute sausages. The history of sausage began with the preparation of meat for long storage. Subsequently, experiments with the composition and methods of cooking led to a wide variety of sausage products and a large number of their admirers.
Is there any use for sausage?
The harm of sausages is not just a myth promoted by vegetarians. For several years now, the World Health Organization has been comparing the health risks posed by the regular consumption of processed meat (sausages, sausages and other semi-finished products) with the dangers posed by smoking cigarettes and using asbestos
What's the harm in sausage, exactly?
It is necessary to understand that modern sausage products are a complex chemical product, consisting only for a small fraction of what an average person could call "meat". None of the key ingredients in sausage can be considered natural, because all of them are multistage and very aggressive processing.
It is worth noting that sausages and sausages are strictly prohibited to fry, cook, or subject to other temperature treatment - the components contained in them can oxidize and change under the influence of high temperatures, becoming even more powerful carcinogens that provoke various types of cancer.
Sausage composition: meat quality
Vegetable proteins and fats
The main element of the composition: stabilizers
Sodium nitrite: dangerous preservative
Taste enhancers
The World Health Organization has officially recognized sausages and other meat products as harmful to health and strongly recommended limiting the consumption of processed meat to 50 g per day. The main reason is that modern sausages are the product of multistage and aggressive processing.