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What's easier, a loner or a couple?


The greatest attention of fans, journalists and specialists are paid to the single category. To a certain extent, this is logical. When there are only two players on the court, the match looks more exciting. We are used to winning in singles, let's say, more prestigious than the achievements in the doubles category. You'll agree that you probably remember many of the owners of trophies at the Grand Slam tournaments in singles. Will you be able to name a couple? At least the duo that won the US Open this year?

Dual matches are rarely shown on TV. Usually in the last days of major competitions. When there is still airtime left, but there are only two scheduled matches in singles. And they stand in the evening session. Or hotbeds are shown at the Olympic Games. But only if they play medals. But the first men's doubles competition was held at Wimbledon back in 1884. Three years before that, the pair had already played at the predecessor of the modern U.S. Open Championship.

But the rare shows do not mean that the doubles are boring. I believe that this category is more difficult than a single one. It is not enough to have character, will to win and clean technique. We need something else. You need to feel the game, the ball, as well as the condition of your partner and opponents. In addition, the chemistry of the partners is important (this is when they play many matches together and feel each other's play in different situations).

It is not in vain that we see almost no leading lonely tennis players in doubles at tournaments. First of all, 70% of the top ten players don't know how to play well. This is especially noticeable for women. Everybody sits in the back row until the last one. And they come out to the net only when it is necessary to finish the play with drive or smash. That's why, by the way, the style of the American Taylor Townsend so puzzled her rivals and allowed her to get to 4 circles at the US Open this year. She didn't just go out to the net often, she did it right after the pitch.

Secondly, for doubles, you need team spirit. It's not exactly an individual sport anymore. Here you are responsible for the partner. And, thirdly, the game itself is different. It is necessary to use the feeling of the ball, to give it unusual directions, as well as to act in combination. Although it seems that it is easier. After all, there is more room for doubles matches (you can play in the corridors), but when a tennis player holds only half of the court, it becomes harder to beat

Unlike single matches, doubles are quite fleeting. There the game is basically faster. However, at many tournaments, among other things, the duration of the game is artificially reduced. Instead of the third set of tie-breaks up to 10 points. And with the score exactly in the games, the decisive ball is played (that is, there is no "swing" more or less). Yes, it's a little contrary to the spirit of tennis, but it allows you to spend less energy on matches. It is difficult to call the doubles category energy-intensive at all. With rare exceptions. This allows you to play longer. A lot of people play up to 40, if not more.

So, if you don't like playing a couple, you think it's boring and very easy, just try it yourself. It will be, in any case, interesting and fun. And how many great pranks can you get! And yes, a single experience here will not help. If we pair even Nadal with Djokovic, it is unlikely that they will go far at the Grand Slam tournament.