How many believes in weather forecasts? Probably only one who can even consider himself superstitious. Winter, for example, always comes unexpectedly, and drivers begin to scratch their heads and feverishly figure out where to get winter tires, how to reanimate a dead battery and what to do to defrost a washer reservoir that was shackled with shameless ice.
Epiphany frosts are cracking on the street, winter, like a well-drunk lady, allows herself almost everything, her coats start walking their coats, and in the fridges of Russians it gets warmer than outside the window. Such weather was created for warm blankets, mugs with hot tea and melodramatic comedies in the family circle. But, alas, winter is cunning and sometimes makes you solve fairly complex puzzles.
Stiff Washer
Even an experienced driver can wake up in the morning and find that the thermometer columns brazenly dropped below zero. The car owner begins to mentally sort out in his head whether he had done everything so that the frost did not affect the well-being of his “steel horse”. And then disappointment comes - there was water left in the washer reservoir, and the recently purchased “ice-free” is still standing on a shelf in the garage. And if it’s minus on the street, it means that the liquid in the washer reservoir has frozen. No options.
They say that problems that are falling upon a person are an opportunity to embark on the path of self-development. Nonsense. But only one thing is clear that sometimes it’s better not to solve problems, but to negotiate with him. So we offer you to “negotiate” with a cold-blooded washer tank of your car. There are only two options: either you become part of the solution, or you remain part of the problem.
What you should not do!
There are many tips on the Web about what to do if the water in the washer is frozen. And the first one is to use hot water. Option. But it is worth considering that this method will work only if the tank is filled by no more than a third. Otherwise, you can only aggravate the situation. In addition, in no case can you use boiling water, which can easily deform the liquid tank. So do not cut the Gordian knot in a rage, because there may still be knots under it.
It also won’t help just start the engine and warm it up, because in most cars the windshield washer fluid reservoirs are located not under the hood, but under the wing. In order to defrost ice in this case, you will need an engine with a devilish fuse.
What to do if the water in the washer reservoir freezes?
If you are a happy owner of a miracle of the domestic automobile industry, then your VAZ will not let you down, because it is very simple to solve this problem with it. It is enough to remove the tank and warm it in a warm place. With foreign cars, things are completely different. So our leadership primarily concerns owners of foreign cars.
So, for starters, you should buy a good non-freezing fluid that would have an extreme temperature threshold. Then we warm up the car so that it seems that you do not have a stove, but the fireplace itself.
The “non-freezing” should be heated and then added to the washer reservoir occupied by ice. As the ice melts, the water will change from solid to liquid and decrease in volume. This means that we need to add non-freezing fluid. After the operation to rescue the glass cleaning system from the tank, drain all the liquid and fill in the “anti-freeze”.
If you have time, you can drive the car to the warm parking of a shopping center or call in a car wash - as a rule, it is warm enough in such places to solve the problem.
If the tube that goes to the washing nozzles is frozen, then with a strong pressure of the liquid it can easily jump off the nozzle. Don’t give Buddha, this will happen with the rear window washer - you won’t get any problems.
But owners of cars that are equipped with heated nozzles and a washer reservoir, never wonder at what temperature the water freezes. Remember - at 0 ° C. We wish you that your problems with the car are calculated in the same figure.
If you are at a dead end, do not despair - spring is just around the corner!