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Мама Недели: Ольга Андреева (Блог «Дети и Внуки»)

Educators and teachers of primary school are special amazing people with the sun in their hearts. Even if the profession then becomes different, the fact remains. This is our guest column Mom of the Week Olga Andreeva, author of the blog "Children and grandchildren". A young grandmother with experience, familiar to many readers.


Blogs Mom (Olga astrahanceva): Olga, welcome! Tell me about yourself in three words. How would your family describe you?

Olga Andreeva: Good day to all readers of "Blogs of mothers". I didn't think I'd ever have to do an interview. But since I have such an honor, I will answer Olga's questions. I am a very open person, friendly but demanding. And very emotional. If I feel good, I laugh, and if I feel very bad, I can cry. Responsible, if something is wrong, it is very worried.

Olga Astrakhantseva: in one of the articles mentioned an unexpected fact of biography-specialty "Tractor" as career guidance in high school. Tell me a little about your childhood. Who dreamed of becoming?

Olga Andreeva: I was Born in a large family. Mother has five of us. I'm senior. Always around to help mom. The younger ones often sat with me. And I raised them from childhood. Very loved play with them in school. Seated all, gave notebooks, pens and taught. Since childhood, dreamed of becoming a teacher.

As learned to read, with books not parted never. Very loved and sorry for animals. She always brought home the dogs and cats she found on the street. Now the granddaughter does the same. She must have taken after me.

In school studied well. Was an activist always, a pioneer, a Komsomol member. In the class was the chief editor of the newspaper.

About "Tractionident" at school, Olga asked. Yeah, I went to a country school, and in high school, we had career guidance. Both boys and girls have all studied the subject of "Traktorodetal". Not know, why he me was need, but in good faith studied, that and as there works. And driving lessons were. I think that girls would be better studied crop or animal husbandry, if we could offer other specialties, as in urban schools on the CPC.

With his beloved granddaughter Julia

After school she entered the pedagogical Institute, the biochemical faculty. Finish it. But she got married in the 4th year, gave birth to a daughter and in the direction of the school did not go to work, because it is sent to another village and leave with a small child, I could not. So I went to work immediately after the Institute in kindergarten teacher. I liked working with children very much, it was creative. But now I work in another area, so the circumstances.

Olga Astrakhantseva: When I got on the blog "Children and grandchildren" it seemed to me that I was leafing through a women's magazine, without a ridiculous touch of gloss and glamour. What does the blog mean to you and what is its Central idea?

Olga Andreeva: I created my blog "Children and grandchildren" 3 years ago. The theme was right about the children. For me, blog is, first of all, self-realization, communication.

The purpose of the blog-to help parents find information about the upbringing of children, their development. On the blog I share my thoughts, talk about our excursions with children, walks, share recipes of delicious dishes that we cook with our granddaughter and daughter.

Olga astrahanceva: a blog – methodical collections. Poems, riddles, songs-visible hand teacher. It seems to me that the teacher is more than a profession, it can be seen in everything. Did she help in family life?

Olga Andreeva: the teaching Profession, of course, helped me in my family life. In my heart, I remained a teacher. As a child, I brought up brothers and sisters, then raised and raised my daughters, now I help raise my granddaughter. We read a lot, learn poems, guess riddles, engaged in creativity. I want her to grow up a fully developed person who loves art and poetry.

Sometimes my husband says I'm trying to raise him, too. 🙂

Olga Astrakhantseva: From the height of the experience of raising children and a growing granddaughter, share what is the most important in this process?

Olga Andreeva: How the child will grow up depends only on the parents, how they will bring him up from childhood, preferably up to 5 years. Then only will have re-educate.

Often hug your children, read them books, tell stories, talk to them, be able to listen

The most important thing is to love your children, to accept them as they are, forgiving shortcomings. Teach children to be kind, polite, honest. Not to be indifferent. To teach them to be decisive, not to patronize much, to give children more independence, so that in the future they can make their own decisions. Life is very hard now, it is necessary to teach children to be strong, not to be afraid of difficulties.

Kids always feed their love, so they then cope with difficulties. The main thing is that raising their children, parents for them should be an example in everything.

Often hug your children, read them books, tell stories, talk to them, be able to listen. Don't be indifferent to your children. Parents often complain about the lack of time. You have to make money. Of course, time is such that it is constantly lacking. But children need to be given more time, even adult children. You have to win the trust of your child, so that when he grows up, did not run for advice on the street, and came to you. This is important.

And I believe that children should be treated as you would like them to treat you in old age.

Olga Astrakhantseva: When you look at the photos, it's hard to believe that you already have a big granddaughter. Such a young grandmother! One article liked the phrase"If we want to be young longer, you need to get out of your comfort zone." The secret of your youth. How to get out of the comfort zone with benefit and pleasure for yourself?

Olga Andreeva: I became a Grandmother at the age of 40. Now my beloved granddaughter Julia is nine years old. Yes, they say I'm a young grandmother. Sometimes and mom call. Even in school I went to preparatory classes with my granddaughter, the teacher thought that I was her mother.

My apprentice

What is the secret of my youth? I don't do anything special for this purpose. How many can remember, always worked since childhood. Now every morning I drink a glass of water with honey and lemon, became less sick. I lead an active lifestyle. I used to ride a lot of bikes. Move more. I go to work for more than 20 years only on foot, 45 minutes. Sometimes back too. And now, to not grow old, something am learning, read.

What does it mean for me to step out of my comfort zone to my advantage?

Many friends spend the weekend on the couch, watching TV or sitting with neighbors, discussing someone. Not for me.

It is better to go with the children for a walk in the Park, go with them to the cheerful cartoon in the cinema, I love to go to the theater. In the warmer months we often walk in the Botanical garden, admire nature, watch animals and birds. We love to go to the river, even go fishing with my granddaughter and grandfather. I like to grow garden flowers, take care of indoor flowers.

Movement, curiosity, surprise, creativity-these are the recipes of eternal youth! Well, the kids! Next to her granddaughter always want to be young, mobile, run, play with her. She loves it.

Olga Astrakhantseva: they Say that grandchildren are loved more than children. How true is that?

Olga Andreeva: I also love my daughters very much. But they have grown. When they were little, there was never enough time. We worked very hard to raise them, to educate them. Maybe she paid less attention to them than she should have. There's no getting back the time now.

Well, when my granddaughter was born, she became for me such a little angel, for whom I want to do the best. They lived with us for a year. I helped feed her, raise her, take care of her. The parents themselves are still young and were very. The son-in-law was only 18 and the daughter was 19 when they married. Themselves still children.

Kids grow up so fast. My granddaughter makes me feel young. I have fun with her, play, watch snails, ladybugs together, read books aloud, laugh. Next to grandchildren, you probably find yourself back in childhood.

Olga Astrakhantseva: You and your husband have been together for 28 years (correct me if I'm wrong). What is the secret of a strong marriage?

Olga Andreeva: my husband and I have been together for 28 years, just on February 4 we had a wedding day.

When we met at the wedding of my friend and his cousin (my husband and I were witnesses at the wedding), the first night he confessed his love to me and asked me to marry. Well, of course I said I'd think about it, I can't agree so quickly. We met in the autumn, in October, and in February signed. He came to me after work from the next village. And then at night back. Was sorry for him, it was cold to walk. Hitched. 🙂 Probably, it was love at first sight.

The main thing for us is to respect each other. My husband and I are very different. Different particles attract. So we probably complement each other with our opposites.

We try to do everything together. Somewhere it is necessary to concede, there Are, of course, quarrels, not without it. But then we make up quickly.

Love, respect, trust, patience-perhaps, this secret lifetime of sound marriage. And common goals. Raised their children, educated them. Now we are helping to raise a granddaughter.

Olga Astrakhantseva: and how do you manage to keep up with everything: work, family, home, garden, needlework, and you need to spend time with your granddaughter, and cook dinner, and write a blog? Share the secrets of your time management and a quick recipe of a delicious dish. 🙂

Olga Andreeva: there are No special secrets of time management.

As long as I can remember, I get up early. I'm a lark by nature. In the morning I try to do more things. Of course, the main work takes most of the time. Then — home in the first place. Husband and daughter help. In the garden in the spring, summer, work with my husband together.

We also have Pets: two dogs, two cats, chickens and ducks, as in the village without it. Before even cows was, rabbits and pigs. My husband taught me everything. If someone had told me when I was young that I could milk a cow, I would never have believed it. It was time to milk learned. Life will teach you everything, as they say.

My husband taught me everything.

In the evening I try to devote time to my blog. Or in the morning, if I work from lunch. Often go to bed late, which is bad for health, of course. At work you need to be in shape.

Well, on weekends I spend time with my granddaughter, engaged in creativity, read, walk, have fun. Or cook something delicious.

I also like to knit, so I devote time to this, too.

We love homemade cakes. Sometimes bake cakes, cookies, pies. Now try to itself smaller, of course, sweet there is, Age already such, that need follow their weight. But it is not always possible to refuse tasty.

Propose a recipe rapid and simple cake, which we sometimes preparing with daughter.

Cake " Black Prince»
The cake is very easy to prepare and the products are all available. You can cook it for the weekend or here on the feast of all lovers. And middle-aged children will cope and can please his mother, preparing a cake.

Products for test:

1 egg
1 Cup sugar
1 tablespoon flour
1 tbsp. of yogurt
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 tablespoon cocoa.


200 g butter
half a Cup of sugar
250 g sour cream

How to cook:

Beat egg with sugar until thick foam. Add cocoa, kefir, soda. Well all stir, add a glass of flour.

Grease the mold with oil, pour the dough and bake at 180 degrees for 25 minutes.

Preparing the cream. RUB the butter with sugar, add sour cream, beat well.

Ready cake cool, cut in half with a thread. Lubricate the cream of the lower cake, then put the second, Too, it is well smeared with cream. The top of the cake is decorated with nuts or grated chocolate.

Fast, simple and delicious.

Olga Astrakhantseva: Thank you very much for the recipe! Spring is coming. How in Moldova and Transnistria meet it? And, by tradition, wish something to our readers.

Olga Andreeva: I Love this time of year when all nature awakens. I especially love the time of flowering trees. Indescribable beauty!

I live in Transnistria. We have a multinational Republic, so many traditions.

The victory of spring, following the Russian custom, we celebrate carnival. Seeing off winter, in the city arrange festivities, bake pancakes, treat everyone, burn an effigy.

Mother of the Week: Olga Andreeva (Blog " Children and Grandchildren")

And the first day of spring residents meet the holiday martsishor. This is a Moldovan national holiday, symbolizing the victory of Spring over fierce Winter.

People Martisor is made of red and white threads, interwoven among themselves, the ends of which are — flowers. Martisors are worn on clothes and give each other a token of appreciation. At the end of March, the Martisor hang on fruit trees and make wishes.

At this time, the city hosts a music festival. Guests come, artists from different countries.

Here such customs to meet spring exist in Moldova.