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How do you cut the raspberry right? Berry shrubs / Raspberry

Raspberry is an unpretentious berry bush, but requires annual pruning and some attention to produce large and healthy berries.

Let's consider in detail: when it is better to cut raspberries, how to cut raspberry bushes in spring and autumn, schemes and videos of raspberry bushes cutting.

How to prolong raspberry bearing?

Raspberry trimming in spring

-- Video - Raspberry pruning in the spring

When's the best time to cut the raspberry?

Raspberry trimming in summer

Raspberry trimming in the fall

-- Video - Raspberry pruning in the fall after the harvest

Double raspberry trimming on Sobolev

-- Video - How to increase raspberry yield. Double raspberry trimming

How do I cut the repair raspberries correctly?

-- Video - Repair Raspberry Trimming

On one site raspberry can be grown up to 10 years, but the life of the plantations 5-8 years. Therefore, in 5-6 years, dig up the rhizomes of old bushes, so that this place is filled with young shoots.
Raspberry bush with a two-year development cycle. For the third year, berries are very small, so it is necessary to cut off all two-year shoots, adhering to certain rules.

If you have repair raspberries, the trimming has its own features: you can get a double harvest or a single harvest. In the first case, the trimming is carried out the same way as with conventional varieties, and in the second case, all the shoots are cut out to collect berries from annual stems in autumn.


How to prolong raspberry bearing?
In order to increase the fruit-bearing life of raspberries, some gardeners shorten the shoots to different lengths.

Some stems are cut to 10-15 cm, others to 20-30 cm, some in half, and still leave stems with a quarter of the escape.

Thus, the first to begin to bear fruit are the slightly cut stems, and the most cut stems will finish the fruit bearing (in August).


The yield of the most cut stems will be lower, but the berries will be large. Thus, the fruit bearing is stretched out for the whole season.

Raspberry trimming in spring
Spring raspberry trimming is an addition to and continuation of the autumn trimming.


Start cutting immediately after the snow melts. Remove frozen, broken, contaminated and weak shoots. Cut as low as possible to the soil without leaving a hemp.
Cut the tops to healthy kidneys, cutting them by 15-20 cm.

Thanks to this pruning, the upper buds are awakened, forming from 3 to 6 shoots 50 cm long, on which berries are formed.

Without trimming the tops of the berries will be small.

The remaining shoots should be 1.2-1.5 m high. The distance between the rows in the raspberry must be at least 2 meters, between the bushes in a row of about 1.5 meters. Each bush should consist of no more than 10 shoots.

If there are a lot of shoots on the bushes, they will shade each other and will not gain the necessary nutrients.

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Video - Raspberry Trimming in Spring
When's the best time to cut the raspberry?
Raspberries need to be cut several times in a season. In the summer, up to 20 new shoots can be grown from one root.

In the 2-3 weeks before the cold weather, you should cut off the shoots that carried the raspberries.
If you have raspberries that are not repairable, you can start pruning after the berry harvest (end of August).

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Raspberry trimming in the summer
Continuous raspberry care is also necessary in summer. Raspberry pruning in summer is used to remove and destroy faded tops of shoots during blossoming, or those affected by viral diseases.

These stems should not be kept until autumn, otherwise the nearest shrubs may be infected. Carry out the removal of the unnecessary growth that appears, because it drains the raspberry bushes.

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Raspberry trimming in the fall. How do I cut raspberries correctly?
Start cutting raspberries immediately after the harvest, as recommended by experienced gardeners. In autumn, cut all sick, broken, poorly developed, pest affected shoots.

But the main goal is to cut two-year-old shoots, leaving only well-developed shoots. Cut off the shoots and burn them.
Raspberry bush trimming in the autumn in steps:

1. First, the broken, damaged by diseases and pests, dried, weak and annual shoots are cut out to the root;

2. Under the root to cut off the two-year-old shoots;

3. Excessively overgrown bushes should be thinned, leaving 8-10 of the healthiest and strongest stems on 1 m2;

4. dig up the raspberry bushes, destroy the weeds;

5. Burn all cut branches or take them out of the plot. There may be pests or pathogens on them;


6. Finally, to fertilize raspberries, and treat the stems with iron sulfate.
Raspberry has more and more shoots from the rhizome, so it is possible to cut them flat with the ground without leaving stumps.

If you're going to reproduce raspberries, use root growth. They dig it up and transplant it to another place. If this is not necessary, you should pull out the growth as soon as you notice that more nutrients are used to develop the necessary shoots.
In regions with low snowfall winters, you can avoid pruning bushes, tie them up and bend them to the ground. Trim in spring after the snow melts.

By trimming and caring for raspberries in spring and autumn, you stimulate raspberries to carry good fruits.

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Video - Raspberry trimming in autumn after the harvest
Double raspberry trimming

Very good results are given by double trimming of raspberry on Sobolev, but requires a high level of agricultural machinery for cultivation. Only with really good care and feeding will double trimming give high results.

Trimming in the first year of Sobolev


At the end of May, beginning of June, shoots are trimmed. The young shoot grows to 70-100 cm in height by this time. Pinch the tops at 10-15 cm, as a result of which side shoots actively begin to grow, which by autumn will grow to 50 cm long.
Attention: Trimming must be done on time, otherwise the side shoots will not have time to develop well and mature, may freeze in winter.

The best crop Sobolev got, leaving on the bush on 4 shoots and the distance between the bushes of raspberry 2 m.
Carry out thinning of the bushes in the autumn, removing all the brushwood.

Trim in the second year of Sobolev

The second trim is carried out the following spring, when the leaves on the plants have blossomed. Cut all the shoots on the bushes, shortening them by 5-15 cm.

As a result, new shoots are formed, which will bear fruit. At the same time, fruiting lasts until autumn, berries do not mature at the same time, and on the bushes formed a large number of ovaries. Ensure that the plants are well irrigated and fertilized for a good harvest.

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Video - How to increase raspberry yield. Double raspberry trimming
How do I cut the repair raspberries correctly?
Repair raspberries can bear fruit both on two-year shoots and on annual shoots, can give a crop twice in a season - the first on shoots of last year, the second on new shoots.


Cutting the repair raspberry has its own peculiarities, it is better to carry out it after the first autumn frosts. All shoots are cut to zero, leaving stumps of 3-5 cm each. So we get rid of all pests living on the shoots and raspberries better winter under snow or shelter.

Cutting can also be done in spring, but should be done before the kidneys are opened and the co-moving process begins. But it is better to do the trimming in the autumn.

Pinch the tops of two-year-old shoots so that the first fruiting begins a little later. The tops of annual shoots at the repair raspberry are not shortened, as there is a crop of berries.


Once the first berry harvest has been harvested, remove the shoots that carried the berry, so that the second harvest can be harvested as quickly as possible.
In regions with short summers, the second raspberry crop does not have time to ripen; in such areas, grow raspberries as an annual plant.

in this case, the entire surface part of the raspberry is cut completely, and only annual shoots will bear fruit.

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Video - Repair Raspberry Trimming
Here you have learned all the peculiarities of raspberry pruning in the autumn-spring period, applying these tips on care in your garden, you will always be with a good harvest of delicious and healthy berries.

Great raspberry yields for you!

Tags: raspberry trimming raspberry pruning garden berries