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Secrets of luxury hair.


That's the end of a hot summer, leaving behind beautiful memories, bronze tan and... dry, sun and sea damaged hair. No matter how sad it sounds, if you look at cosmetics, almost any woman, you can find a lot of creams for face, body, hands, and feet. What about the hair?


They also need to be nourished, moisturized and cared for.

First of all, it is necessary to pick up the conditioners which are not containing sulfates.

If these are found on the shelf in the bathroom, do not hesitate to send them to the trash can. Haircare products should be selected on the basis of natural components. It is advisable to have vegetable oils and extracts in the composition. These shampoos not only remove impurities from the hair and scalp but also saturate the hair cuticle with moisture.

The second step is to follow the basic rules of hair care:

- You should not comb wet or damp hair;

- Do not wash your hair with hot water. The best treatment for hair will be a contrast shower, starting with warm water and finally rinse cool;

- Try to minimize the effects of high temperatures on your hair. Dry you're hairless with a hairdryer, and if you use it, it's not at high power or average temperature. It is best if the hair dries naturally. If you can't completely rule out the use of irons, choose a professional one where the temperature is regulated;

- Choose the right accessories for your hair. It is better to comb with a wooden comb than with an iron brush. Choose plastic or wooden hairpins. Rubber is better wide than narrow and tight. Budi should also choose plastic ones;

- Wear a hat in sunny or frosty weather. A wide hat is ideal for a hot summer day;

- Dyed hair requires special attention and care. In shops it is necessary to pay attention to a line of shampoos developed especially for the painted hair;

- Once every 2 months to trim the ends of the hair, it accelerates growth and makes them less confusing;

- Curling is "deadly" dangerous for newly colored hair, so it should take at least 3 weeks between curling and coloring;

- Try to be less nervous and eat healthy food;

- Pamper your hair with nourishing masks at least once a week.

A little more about masks is worth talking about. You can prepare masks at home with natural products or buy them ready to go. Buy masks in specialized shops, it is certainly more expensive than in the market and in ordinary household shops, but also the quality is fundamentally different. Homemade masks require more free time, but you can be sure of their quality.

Moisturizing and nourishing masks to strengthen and grow your hair:

1. Aloe and coconut oil mask Melt the spoon of oil and connect it to the yolk. Then put half a glass of yogurt and a spoonful of aloe juice into the mass. Remains to apply the product to the hair and wash off after an hour of aging under a towel.

2. Gelatin mask Excellent moisturizer. Stir the spoon of gelatin in 120 ml of heated water and wait for swelling. Heat up the liquid and add a spoonful of castor oil and some vitamins "E" and "A". After forty minutes, rinse off the product with warm water.

3. express mask Mix a couple of spoons of warm olive oil with a whipped egg, a spoonful of glycerin and the same amount of apple vinegar. With the composition treat the hair, put a sealing cap on your head and wait forty minutes. Then rinse off.

4. Kefirnaya Warm half a glass of kefir and apply to the hair. Put on a shower cap and wrap your head. After forty minutes, remove the make-up and moisturizing agent under warm running water. The shampoo is not necessary.


There's been a lot of express hair products lately. These are permanent sprays that are applied in the morning and protect the hair from harmful influences during the day.

Love your hair and it will definitely give you a healthy, beautiful shine.