Eduard Uspensky is a Soviet and Russian writer, playwright, screenwriter and television presenter. He is better known to a wide audience as the author of children's literary works. After all, it was from his pen came such characters as the dog Sharik and cat Matroskin, Crocodile Gene and Cheburashka, postman Pechkin and uncle Fyodor, brothers Koloboks and warranty men. And, of course, fans are interested in details of the personal life of a talented person, including information about his children.
Content of article
- Brief biography of Eduard Uspensky
- Personal life
- Recent marriage
- Writer's death
The popularity of Eduard Uspensky throughout the post-Soviet space can not be overestimated, because the results of his work brought up more than one generation of Russian-speaking people around the world. He completely dissolved in children, to whom he devoted all his talent as a writer. According to his books, where the characters come to the aid of each other in difficult times and live by the laws of kindness, honesty, courage and unselfish friendship, created a large number of animated films that have earned the people's love and recognition.
Brief biography of Eduard Uspensky
December 22, 1937 in the Moscow region Yegoryevsk in the family of Nikolai Mikhailovich Uspensky (cynologist in the hunting grounds of the CPSU Central Committee) and Natalia Alekseevna Uspenskaya (mechanical engineering engineer) was born the future idol of millions of boys and girls. Edward has two brothers. Igor and Yuri. The international character of the parents (father-a Jew, and mother-Russian) affected the children, as throughout his life in the famous man manifested the most contradictory features.
At the age of 10, the boy knew the first serious bitterness of loss, when his father passed away and the children remained to live on Kutuzovsky Prospekt with one mother. Interestingly, the performance in Junior and middle school in ozone and bully boy was not very important. However, after a serious leg fracture, when he got on a hospital leg and was forced to lead a quiet life, academic performance has improved significantly, and dreams of becoming a Minister or academician, have ceased to seem quite fantastic.
After receiving a certificate of secondary education, Ouspensky decided to get a "HSE" in the capital's aviation University, after the successful completion of which he went to work in his specialty. However, all his free time creatively minded young man wrote stories and scripts for children. And this occupation completely captured him from school and student's bench when he thought up humorous verses and songs, took an active part in skits and performances within KVN.
Of course, to seriously engage in two responsible and polar directions, being both an engineer and a writer, Eduard Uspensky just physically could not. And so he very soon left his technical specialty and completely immersed in the creative atmosphere. However, children's literature at the dawn of his writing career was published quite rarely, and therefore more emphasis at first had to be placed on humorous and satirical literature. The author himself works wholeheartedly sought to become a children's writer.
And only the creators of domestic cartoons were able to level the situation in the right direction, when they noticed that the visual illustrations of his children's stories and sketches are of genuine interest to them. Thanks to this development, world children's literature received a new impetus in its development.
Personal life
It is noteworthy that it is the family and loved ones have become the prototypes for many of the characters created by the popular writer. According to Eduard Uspensky, the famous Shapoklyak embodied many features of the former wife Rimma. Although he does not deny some of its own quality, which became the characteristics of harmful old lady. The author of a series of stories about Cheburashka even the name of his hero took from the episode of family life. The matter is that he so identified in due time shout of the little daughter.
The romantic aspect of Edward Ouspensky's life is directly linked to three marriages. The first marriage, which lasted 18 years, was the cause of the birth of a daughter Tatiana. She is now long married and the mother of two children of her own.
The second time the famous writer married Elena, who treated his daughter exclusively maternal. In this marriage, the couple could not give birth to their own children and adopted twins Irina and Svetlana. The girls saw in the face of foster parents only kindness, care and endless love.
Last marriage
The last time in his life a trip to the Registrar Edward Ouspensky made with Eleanor Filina. A popular television presenter on a joint radio program" ships come into our Harbor " met with a children's writer, and then took possession of his heart.
Unfortunately, this Union is better known to fans of the famous writer is not his romantic elegance, namely the scandal that unfolded during the divorce process. The public witnessed how a 10-year relationship, considered by all to be flawless, suddenly turned into a mass of facts expressed through the unflattering statements of an offended woman.
But the unattractiveness of this story is overshadowed by the fact that simultaneously with the noisy scandal that unfolded around the personality of Ouspensky, the famous writer himself was dying of cancer while undergoing chemotherapy in Germany. Filina herself was next to her husband only the first months of serious trials, and then returned to Russia in order, according to Eduard Nikolaevich, to solve her personal financial problems at his expense.
The unattractiveness of this story is exacerbated by the fact that Eleanor, as it turned out later, went to a young lover who was younger than her by 30 years. She even took out a large enough loan for his needs. The woman herself explained her act of leaving her husband in a mortal state in a foreign land by his obnoxious and despotic character.
Death of the writer
In April 2018, fans learned from a published interview with the writer that he was reunited with his second wife Elena, who forgave and accepted him. In recent months, the couple lived together in harmony and peace. They sincerely hoped that Edward Ouspensky would be able to overcome the disease, and made plans for the future.
And on August 14, 2018, the popular children's writer passed away in his own home in Moscow. The fight against cancer for several years ended fatally, despite the fact that after treatment in Germany, Eduard Uspensky became better for a while. Just before his death, he lost consciousness and was hospitalized.