Everyone dreams of a happy life, but few people know how to achieve it. Scientists are also very interested in this issue and conduct many experiments in search of the cherished recipe. And as always it turns out that happiness lies in the small details of everyday life. We have collected seven scientifically proven ways to help you become a little happier. Your task is to learn how to apply them in practice.
1.Help others
An easy way to get happier is to make other people happy. In his book "The Advantages of Happiness," John Ahor cites data from one study:
"...when researchers interviewed more than 150 people about their recent purchases, they found that money spent on events such as concerts and group dinners was much more fun than buying shoes, TVs or expensive watches. Spending money on other people, called "pro-social spending," increases the level of happiness.
A similar study was published in The Journal of Happiness Studies. The participants were divided into two groups. The first was to remember buying things for other people, and the second was to remember buying things for yourself. Scientists found that people in the first group showed a higher level of happiness. The participants were then rewarded with money and asked to think about what they would do with the money. Those who remembered shopping for others were more likely to spend money on friends this time as well. It turns out that the more you help others, the happier you are and the more you want to help again.
2. Smile and think about something positive
A smile on its own can make you feel better. But it will be even more effective if you accompany her with positive thoughts.
Scientists at the University of Michigan have conducted an experiment to confirm this. They divided the staff into two groups. The first was to simply smile during the day. The second group was asked to smile with positive thoughts, such as a tropical vacation or a children's concert. The participants from the second group reported a better mood during the working day than the volunteers from the first group. They were also less likely to change jobs.
In addition, a smile affects productivity. It improves concentration and helps to cope with cognitive tasks. This is stated in a study at Templeton University. Scientists noted that this effect appears only when a sincere smile appears.
3. Plan something nice more often
It works even if you don't do it later. Research has shown that anticipation is more enjoyable than the event itself. Scientists measured the level of happiness from the moment they planned their vacation to its end. They found that the effect of anticipation increased the level of happiness for 8 weeks before the trip. After returning home, this indicator quickly returned to its basic values.
So plan ahead for some pleasant activities, whether it's a vacation or a meeting with friends, even if it's only a few months away. Whenever you need an impulse of happiness, remind yourself of this event.
4. Practice your gratitude
In one experiment, the participants were divided into three groups: the first one recorded unpleasant things, the second one was neutral, and the third one was the one for which they were grateful. The study showed that people from the third group demonstrated the highest level of mood and general well-being.
The Journal of Happiness Studies published a similar study. It examined how thank-you letters influence the level of happiness. The experiment involved 219 people who wrote three letters a week over a period of three weeks.
The results showed that writing thank-you notes increased happiness and satisfaction with the participants' lives while reducing depressive symptoms.
There are many ways to practice gratitude:
- Keep a diary of things you are grateful for.
- Share three good things that happen every day with a friend or partner.
- Show gratitude to others.
Do it regularly to get all the benefits of gratitude.
5. Don't expect you to change
The way we think about our future directly affects our sense of satisfaction with life.
Scientists at the University of California have studied the data set for over 10 years. They found that people who expected to become better or worse in the future reported less satisfaction 10 years later. However, people who expected to stay the same were usually the happiest after 10 years.
This does not mean that you should not think about the future. You need to set goals and go to them. But do not expect anything. Concentrate on your way, and then you will become happier.
So far, no one has found the main factor that makes happiness depend on. But there are many small things that day after day can give you more satisfaction from life. Here they are:
- Bring joy to other people;
- Smile and think about the positive;
- Plan pleasant things in advance and enjoy anticipation;
- Thank you for all the good things in your life;
- Be philosophical about the future, don't expect you to change;
- Find your faith in unity;
- Spend more time in nature.
All these are reliable methods that will give you more joy. Test it in practice, and then share your results with us. We wish you luck!