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The design of my dream alarm clock


No, not a big one. And just a convenient alarm clock for Android. After a long search on the Market, I could not find an alarm clock that I would like to use. So in this article, I will design the alarm clock as I would like it to be.

I will say right away that this is an alarm clock for those who need an alarm clock that wakes them up in the morning, not an egg timer or a crutches' reminder in the calendar.

Before I tell you what's in this alarm clock, I'll start with what's not in it. First of all, it doesn't have the ability to set multiple alarms, because in most cases they are only used to set three consecutive alarms in order to keep you awake. This does not work and should be solved by other means.

Secondly, it doesn't have a pseudo-analysis of the sleep stages because I haven't found any confirmation that any of these applications are working yet. And they certainly don't work if you're not sleeping in bed alone.

And thirdly, there are no mathematical examples to disable the call. So for those who like math, it's not the right choice.

A disclaimer. It is quite possible that you already have an alarm clock that suits you completely. Well, then this article is unlikely to be of interest to you. And for the rest of you, I'll tell you about designing an alarm clock


Before going directly to the interface, a couple of words about the appearance. Most of the alarms from the Market that I have tested have a dark design on a black or so background. It's not for nothing, because at night you don't want to blind your eyes with a bright display. But before going to bed, setting an alarm clock, you want to see something colorful, not dark-depressive. Therefore, I decided to combine the "warm lamp" design with the night mode, which automatically turns on in the dark. If someone wants only a dark alarm clock, the theme "Carbon" is provided:


Now let's walk through the scripts, simultaneously implementing them in the interface. Scenarios for using the alarm clock are divided into 3 main groups: setting the alarm clock, using it at night and turning it off in the morning.

Setting the alarm time.

In the most common scenario, the user sets the alarm for a specific time. This script is implemented in almost any alarm clock. But there is also a second scenario in which the user is not tied to a particular schedule and wants to sleep, for example, for 8 hours. In the case of normal alarms, the user will have to calculate the setting time in his mind or use a timer (which is easy to disable, so he cannot count as an alarm clock). You can use both scripts in my alarm clock. The type of setting changes by flipping the screen, both screens being interconnected, and by changing the time on one of them, the changes are automatically made on the other.

Using at night

The first thing you want from the alarm clock when you wake up at night is to find out what time it is and how much more time you can sleep. :) To answer both questions, the alarm clock has a night mode, which is activated automatically when you put the phone on your side:

Color of the inscription changes with time, and at approaching morning turns red. When there is less than an hour left to sleep, the inscription turns red.

The night clock mode is switched off after 30 seconds if the phone is not plugged in (so as not to put the battery in overnight) and switched back on if you take the phone in your hand. When the phone is turned upside down, the main screen is displayed again.

Sometimes you want to record a dream that you just had a dream about, so you don't forget it. Or use a flashlight to reach the fridge in the dark. Thus it would not be desirable to leave in the basic menu of phone not to blind eyes by the bright display. Therefore these functions are taken out on the basic screen of an alarm clock and it is possible to take advantage of them at once, as at night has taken phone in a hand:

Awakening and shutting down

In the first scenario of disabling the alarm clock, the user turns off the first few warning calls in order to lay low for another 15 minutes but must get up at the designated time.

To make waking up in the morning less sadistic (if at all possible), the alarm clock starts to wake up the user 20 minutes before the appointed time (can be changed in the settings). And the first timid attempts it does not make sound signals, I light - with the help of the display and built-in flash. This can work if a person is sleeping or sleeping in a state where it is easiest to wake up.

If this does not work, the alarm clock starts to sound. Starts with the quietest and barely noticeable ones, and comes to quite an invigorating one.

If the user wakes up and wants to sleep for a few more minutes, it is enough to take the alarm clock in his hand and shake it vigorously. After that, the alarm clock will give a delay of a few minutes. But it will work only until the time has come for which the alarm clock is set. To turn off the alarm clock after the appointed time, you need to pass a small labyrinth with your finger:

This task is difficult enough to solve in an unconscious state, and, at the same time, elementary and quick enough to solve when you wake up. In this case, when the user takes the phone in his hand, the sound of the alarm clock becomes barely audible, so that you can safely turn off the alarm clock. But if in 10 seconds the maze is not passed - the call will continue to ring with the same force (otherwise you can take the phone in your hand and continue to sleep).

There is also a second scenario of waking up. In it the user has woken up before an alarm clock and now does not want to wake up associates. In this scenario, the user should be allowed to turn off the alarm clock before his call, but you can't do it with one button (in the university, I learned to "turn on" 5 minutes before the first alarm clock and neutralize it and 3 subsequent, and then turn off without waking up). Therefore, on the main screen of the alarm clock there is a button "Turn off", when you click on which you will need to go through the maze again as on the previous screen.

Conclusion: the developers - to the forks!

In this alarm clock, I have collected everything I expect from the alarm clock of my dreams and tried not to leave anything unnecessary in it. I think it turned out to be great.

The problem is that I can create a design, but I can't write an application for Android or iPhone. So if you are good at writing applications for iPhone or Android, and you think this alarm clock is promising - write in person. Let's fill the Market with beautiful and convenient applications together.
